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Breedlove C350/CM

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  • moosersmoosers

    Breedlove C350/CMPublié le 27/10/11 à 02:01
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Breedlove Atlas Series Solo C350/CM is an acoustic/electric guitar that is crafted in Korea but inspected in the USA. The pick it has is a L.R. Baggs Stage Pro LR-T CV, featuring a built in tuner and a three band equalizer for further tonal control. I don't know all of the specs in terms of the materials this is made from, but head over the Breedlove's site which should give you a full breakdown of everything going on here.


    The Breedlove Atlas Series Solo C350/CM has a great feel to it and is a very easy guitar to play. It's perfect for playing open chords for rhythm acoustic guitar parts, and is also surprisingly fluid for lead licks which usually isn't the case for acoustic guitars. It's also easy to control the pick up, with a three band equalizer, volume control, notch EQ control, phase, and a built in LED tuner.


    The Breedlove Atlas Series Solo C350/CM is a great acoustic guitar, both strictly acoustic and plugged in. Personally I'm usually not a fan of the way acoustic/electric guitars sound when plugged in, but this one is actually quite good. It's nice a full and still has that extra shimmering quality to it. It's brighter than most acoustic guitars that I'll usually play, but that's just a taste thing and can often be better suited. It's great for pop or anything where you want a brighter acoustic guitar either acoustically or electric.


    Overall, the Breedlove Atlas Series Solo C350/CM is a very nice acoustic guitar. While I don't think that it would suit my style all the time, it sounds awesome no doubt. I like that it's useful both acoustic and plugged in, as that seems like a rare quality to me. The price is reasonable for nice acoustic/electric like this, so if you're looking to up your game a bit and get something nicer than your beginner or intermediate guitar without spending a boat load of cash, the Breedlove Atlas Series Solo C350/CM is a nice choice, especially if you finding yourself using a pick up frequently.