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< Tous les avis M-Audio Midisport 2x2
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M-Audio Midisport 2x2
M-Audio Midisport 2x2

Interface MIDI de la marque M-Audio appartenant à la série Midisport

FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
THe model itself is great. It's a 2x2 MIDI controller via USB. it works well. The driver, however, doesn't do sysex properly under OS 9 or OSX on macintosh. This is a bit of a disapointment when trying to use a sysex librarian to store patches, especially with the Electrix filter factory or mo-fx.

Price paid



Easy to use, easy to install the driver, works great (with exception of sys-ex)

pretty rugged. no issues in getting it to work (once again, see sys-ex)


Midi controller is midi controller. it's nice b/c it's small.

Originally posted on
Posted by: Unknown ( 4-, 2002)