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M-Audio Midisport Uno
M-Audio Midisport Uno

Interface MIDI de la marque M-Audio appartenant à la série Midisport

themaddog themaddog

« Craptacular »

Publié le 06/10/11 à 18:40
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The M-Audio MIDIsport UNO is a 1x1 MIDI in an out interface through USB. In theory, it should be used for encoding and decoding MIDI data to a sequencer in a DAW. MIDI has been around since the early '80s, and is a very basic digital code that keeps tracks of note and dynamic information. This means that any computer should be able to encode and decode this information, as has been around for years, was first used when Apple II's were all the rage, and USB offers plenty of bandwith and speed to run this information.


It is USB, so other than a driver installation, just plugging it in gets it to work. The drivers aren't operated often, but make sure you use the latest drivers if you decide to purchase this.


For my purposes this device is unusable. I wanted to record MIDI in real time, but this piece of junk is way too slow with way too much latency for this purpose. The only way this thing could be used in a studio environment is as a step recorder, not a real time recorder. I guess it would work for transcribing music, but again, this is not how I intended to use it. I no longer use this (although I still own it, somewhere...) but instead use the MIDI input and output from my Delta 1010 LT. Even though M-Audio manufactured both items, the Delta 1010 LT is much more stable and much faster. There are some latency issues with the Delta, but at least it is useable. The MIDIsport Uno is nearly useless compared to the Delta 1010 LT's MIDI interface.