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Sound Percussion 5-Piece Junior Drum Set

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    Sound Percussion 5-Piece Junior Drum SetPublié le 28/02/11 à 22:34
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Sound Percussion 5-Piece Junior Drum Set is a beginner's drum set, that actually has a cool sound when used for an extra kind of sound. Obviously because of this, there's a few different capacities you can use the kit in. The first and most obvious would be simply as a drum set for anyone looking to get into playing. It's cheap enough where it's not really too big of a risk if you decided you didn't want to continue playing, but should still give you a good feel for playing overall. It's certainly not the best sounding drum set in a traditional sense as it's pretty loose sounding, however, I recently did a session where the session drummer brought this in as an extra kit to get some interesting sounds with. It wasn't ever used as the main drum set, but rather as a compliment for overdubbing some parts on top of the original drum set. Of course this Sound Percussion 5-Piece Junior Drum Set was tuned up to have a vibe, and we only used the room microphones to record the kit rather than all of the mics on the kit. This little kit actually sounded awesome for what it was! However, it's definitely worth noting that the drummer on the session could undoubtedly make any drum set sound good. This having been said, it's still probably a decent enough kit to get started on and is incredibly cheap, definitely one of the cheapest kits you'll find out there. The Sound Percussion 5-Piece Junior Drum Set isn't ideal as your main kit for any drummer who is at all experienced, but used in the capacities I mentioned above, it's definitely got some worth. I'd recommend checking it out before buying if you're looking for a vibey kit on the side, but it's definitely an interesting side kit to check out for more experienced players.