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< Tous les avis Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker SH-4 and SH-2 Set
tjon901 tjon901

« The classic JB and Jazz combination in a set. »

Publié le 10/06/11 à 14:49
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Seymour Duncan has produced a set for what it thinks is a good combination in dual humbucker guitars. It has put out the Hot Rodded Humbucker set. This set features a Seymour Duncan Jazz in the neck and a JB in the bridge. These are some of Seymour Duncans most popular pickups. The Jazz is a classic neck pickup. Its output is pretty low at around 7k but this makes it able to do a lot more than a hot neck pickup could. It can do anything from rock leads to jazz and country. It has a great high end that makes up for the bass in the neck position. With its high end it never gets muddy in the neck. The JB is like the bridge version of this with more output for more bite. These pickups are voiced for the treble end so it seems this setup is intended to go in darker guitars like Les Pauls. I tried these in an Epiphone Les Paul and it really woke the guitar up. The Epiphone had typical Epiphone pickups which were low output and muddy. These pickups added a lot of clarity to the sound. The neck position was nice and creamy for my blues leads but still retained clarity. Roll off some tone knob and you have a nice dark jazz tone that still isnt muddy. The bridge position gave a lot of punch and bite. If you split the coil in the bridge you get a great single coil sound that you can get a nice country twang with. If you are looking to wake up your dual humbucker guitar but need pickups that can do almost every style, the Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded Humbucker set might be what you are looking for. The only thing bad about this set is that you only save like 10 dollars buying the set instead of buying them by themselves. If you can find these pickups used separately you can save a lot of money.