Earthworks Audio annonce deux kits de micros adaptés à la reprise de batterie. Chacun est livré dans une caisse en bois qui contient trois micros, deux destinés aux overheads et un pour la grosse caisse, un KickPad™ et une bonnette.
Le DK25/R est adapté à l’enregistrement studio avec deux TC25 (omnis) pour les overheads et un SR25 (cardioide) pour la grosse caisse.
Le DK25/L est quant à lui constitué de trois SR25, ce qui le destinera plutôt au live.
L’originalité du système vient du fait qu’on insére le 'KickPad’ entre le micro et le préampli, un dispositif qui optimise la réponse du micro pour la grosse caisse. On notera que ce système peut être utilisé sur n’importe quel autre micro spécifiquement destiné à reprendre cet instrument.
Les trois micros constituant chaque kit peuvent d’ailleurs être utilisés pour reprendre d’autres sources telles du chant ou des instruments.
Si aucun prix n’est communiqué par le constructeur, un CD de demo gratuit est proposé sur le site. Il contient les plages suivantes :
- Track 1: Narration (Introduction) †
- Track 2: Drum Set recorded with 7 competitive mics
- Track 3: Drum Set recorded with Earthworks™ Omni DrumKit™ using 2 TC25, 1 SR25 mics.
- Track 4: Narration (DrumKit™ & KickPad™ description) ×
- Track 5: Kick drum recorded with Earthworks™ SR25
- Track 6: Kick drum recorded with Earthworks™ SR25 & KickPad™
- Track 7: Narration (Using KickPad™ with competitive kick drum mics) †
- Track 8: Kick drum recorded with AKG™ D112
- Track 9: Kick drum recorded with AKG™ D112 & KickPad™
- Track 10: Narration (Description of Earthworks™ Omni and Cardioid DrumKits™) †
- Track 11: Drum Set recorded with 7 competitive mics
- Track 12: Drum Set recorded with the Earthworks™ Cardioid DrumKit™ using 3 SR25 mics.
- Track 13: Narration (Using Earthworks™ mics as drum overheads on multi-miked drums) †
- Track 14: Drum Set recorded with 7 competitive mics using AKG™ 300B cardioids as overheads.
- Track 15: Drum Set recorded with 5 of the same competitive mics and replacing the overheads with 2 Earthworks™ SR25 mics.
- Track 16: Narration (Recording a piano with DrumKit™ mics) †
- Track 17: Piano recorded with 2 Audix™ CX25s
- Track 18: Piano recorded with 2 Earthworks™ TC25s
- Track 19: Narration (Recording an acoustic guitar with DrumKit™ mics) †
- Track 20: Guitar recorded with a Neumann™ TLM103
- Track 21: Guitar recorded with a Shure™ SM81
- Track 22: Guitar recorded with an Earthworks™ SR25
- Track 23: Narration (Recording a Hammond™ Organ & Leslie™ with DrumKit™ mics) ×
- Track 24: Hammond™ Organ & Leslie™ recorded with 2 Shure™ SM81s
- Track 25: Hammond™ Organ & Leslie™ recorded with 2 Earthworks™ SR25s
- Track 26: Narration (Comparing the Cardioid & Omni DrumKits™) †
- Track 27: Drum set recorded using Omni DrumKit™ & KickPad™
- Track 28: Drum set recorded using Cardioid DrumKit™ & KickPad™
- Track 29: Narration (A/B comparison info & Earthworks™ contact information)
- Track 30: Assorted excerpts of music recorded with Earthworks™ microphones.
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