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Les pourrisseurs(euses) !

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Sujet de la discussion Les pourrisseurs(euses) !

Citation : Bravo Gev' Félicitations

Avoir réussi ton oral et avoir réussi à tirer une gratte à tes parents pour ça : t'es deux fois gagnant

merci BB c'est super sympa ( dommage que je sois pas breton ; on aurait été fêter ca dignement )

petite précision pour la gratte : ai eu un financement gratos des parents ;)
ca a du bon d'etre encore aux études finalement :mdr:
Afficher le sujet de la discussion
Et alors tu vas prendre quoi ? :mrg:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

Officielement c'est pour financer une gratte mais officieusement ca peut etre autre chose héhé :ptdr:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

Au fait Denf' si tu passes par la, je te hais !!!

Depuis que t'as parlé de Music Toys et que j'ai vu chez eux cette Fuzz de la mort =>

J'ai plus qu'une envie me la payer pour tester :nawak:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

Ptet ca :
C'est quoi cette marque lony?
Le Ultraviolet II de chez Black Box au vu du descriptif ça a l'air méchant :humm:

Citation : The Ultraviolet2 is an insanely versatile quad channel fuzz with three active filter sections. For everything from warm, full range distortion to in-your-face, multi-layered, wall of sound fuzz and feedback fury. Think of it as 4 parallel fuzz units run through 3 differently voiced wah pedals. The Ultraviolet2 boosts your instrument signal, routes it through 4 separate parallel fuzz channels with 3 of the channels routed through active filter sections (each filter section voiced differently to affect different portions of the frequency spectrum); then recombines them with the ability to mix the fourth unfiltered fuzz channel back in. The assorted control knobs allow for a highly tweakable sound allowing you to get a wide range of tones from warm distortion to creating a very thick synth-like sound to "my amp is about to explode" sounds. The Ultraviolet2 also creates some really cool multi-layered, evolving harmonic structures not to mention being able to tune your feedback harmonics using the 3 active filter sections. With some instruments, it is even possible to achieve dual or multi tone feedback! For as dense as the Ultraviolet2 is, the signal remains highly articulated, with surpringly little intermodulation distortion and low end "mud". The UV2 is designed for use with any kind of instrument, audio source, appliance, etc. you can think of plugging into it. Near infinite sonic possibilities for insane fuzz audio terrorism!

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

Je sens qu'il te la faut , histoire qu'on ait un avis en francais ;)
240 $ le mocal quand même et only chez music toys :oo:

Better to be hated for who you are, than loved for who you are not

Ba voilà, au lieu de pourrir les post, on a ka se lacher ici :bravo:

Héhé :8)
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