Sujet de la discussionPosté le 15/11/2008 à 13:18:41Tatouages moches land. ne vous moquez pas, c'est indélébile
Il y a quelques mois, je postais cette photo qui me faisait hurler de rire sur "les images qui tordent". Bon en fait ça fait un peu peine aussi, mais là n'est pas la question.
Je propose donc une compil de tatouages moches, ratés, de mauvais gout...
Since anti-gang laws were enforced in Honduras and El Salvador and series of killings in Guatemala were committed by citizen vigilante groups and security forces, gangs are ditching tattoos to duck the radar and have resorted to more subtle, low profile ways of identifying themselves as members of criminal organizations, and performing extreme makeovers. Today, gang members with tattooed faces are either dead, in prison or in hiding.