Citation : Michael Jackson joins Nation of Islam - report
15:55:39 - 18/12/2003
NEW YORK (AFX) - Michael Jackson became a member of the black group Nation
of Islam on the eve of being formally charged with child molestation yesterday,
the New York Post reported.
The newspaper quoted unnamed sources as saying that Jackson became a member
of the black Muslim organisation led by Louis Farrakhan on Wednesday night.
"The King of Pop is restyling himself Jacko X," said the tabloid.
"High-ranking members of Nation of Islam have been working to bring Jackson
into Reverend Louis Farrahkan's flock - and Jackson's conversion is now
well-known in the NOI community," said the report.
Farrakhan's organisation, which is controversial because of its leaders'
anti-Jewish and anti-homosexual declarations, would not comment on the report
when contacted by Agence France-Presse.
Jackson, 45, is on 3 mln usd bail after being accused of multiple counts of
child molestation against a boy aged under 14.
Jackson and
C'est peut-etre véridique..ça m'étonne juste qu'à chaque scandale viennent s'en rajouter d'autres mais bon..l'AFP vérifie sans doute ses sources plutot que de balancer des rumeurs.enfin bref, bonjour à Mr Murdock.
comment peut on faire 'thriller' et tomber aussi bas????
(aussi jeune d'ailleurs)
Lu quelque part que c'est son train de vie ( des dizaines de milliers de $ quotidiens) aui le fout en l'air...Parce qu'il possede quand meme les droits des beatles: ça doit quand meme assurer 'une bonne petite vie de rentier'....