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Sujet In anglich onley!

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Sujet de la discussion In anglich onley!
You can post here if you need to make some english exercices.
I think it' gonna be really annoying but whatever, let's try.
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Yesterday, a woman asked me if I had some hair on the chest ! :oo: Japanese women are quite surprising
Ok ok, let me start with the beginning :

konojo wa ... desu > she is blablabla

anata wa ... desu > you are blablabla

is it right ?

gino > I know what it means in Italian, but In japanese, could you tell me ?

by the way, do you have the translation ( because i'm lost in...) for

beautiful >
extremely beautiful >
you smell like roses in dewy fields >
you are so sexy that i want you now >

Harry gateau. :bise:
"kanojo" :nawak: you blind man

I'm Back

Sorry my man.

is it OK by the way ?

I mean, it's better to talk directly to a girl using the

Citation : anata wa ... desu

sentence ???

[url]36 15 my life > completely broken and pissed off
no good news from the redhead girl [/url]
Yann, I mixed kanojo (she) and kono (this), two concepts I learnt last week.

I still have some problems getting the proper use of wa, which is put just after the 'topic' (which is not always the subject when translating to english ou whatever other western language).

For example:

kyou wa doko kara kimashitaka means something like where do you come from, today (very raw translation, please bear with it). Koyu means today, doko where, kara from, kimasu means to come (the kaat the end , in this case, is for the question, ans mashita is the past form of masu, I think, but I amnot sure, I still haven't really learnt anyhting concerning verbs)

Citation :
I mean, it's better to talk directly to a girl using the

It is very polite, AFAIK. But I don't really know anything about polite forms anyway (I barely know anything about Japanese, in fact :oops: )
It's OK my friends, thank you for taking a little bit of your time to teach japanese for a lazy learner...

by the way, no translation for

beautiful >
extremely beautiful >
you smell like roses in dewy fields >
you are so sexy that i want you now >

It may be urgent, It's got to happen :humm:
I'm about to reach my goal

10000 post on this forum

and i won't survive


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