Annonces Band In A Box 2018
Alerte nouvelle annonceForums PG Music Band In A Box 2018
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : PG Music
- Modèle : Band In A Box 2018
- Série : Band In A Box
- Catégorie : Arrangeurs logiciels
- Fiche créée le : 05/12/2017
Édition 2018 de l'arrangeur musical logiciel pour Windows avec RealBand 2018 et une cinquantaine de nouveautés, dont des RealTracks Video
"Video RealTracks," which work like RealTracks but also include videos of the musician's performance. We've added a new audio driver system (Windows Audio Session) that has ultra-low latency. The Audio Chord Wizard has been redesigned and is now built into Band-in-a-Box®. Audio Harmonies feature has been enhanced with Audio Transcription, which converts a monophonic audio track to MIDI (notation), Fix Tuning to fix an out-of-tune audio recording, and more. You can save the Notation Window to a videoin sync with the audio track playback. We've added notation support for time signatures like 12/8, 6/8, 9/8. The Toolbar has been enhanced with skins and more customization. You can open or save ABC notation files, which are very common song files on the internet with chords and melody. Songs can now be saved as MP3 files in high resolution. The Audio Edit Window is redesignedwith new GUI and features... and many more!
We've added 202 new RealTracks, double the 101 that we've often released in the past! We've also made a new Xtra Styles PAK 4 with 160 new Xtra Styles. We also have over 120 new RealStyles for our new RealTracks including Americana, Klezmer, Top-40, Jazz Strings Pads, Vocals (oohs and aahs), New Crooner "Shout" BigBand styles, and more! There is a 49-PAK with 40 additional new RealTracks on top of the 202 above, so in total an amazing 242 new RealTracks are available!
Distribué par ipe-music
Autres catégories dans Séquenceurs logiciels & STAN
Autres dénominations : bandina box 2018, bandinabox2018, band in a box2018, band in a box 20 18, bandina box 20 18, bandinabox20 18, band in a box20 18