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iKlax Music Player 3.0
iKlax Music Player 3.0

Lecteur MP3 Logiciel de la marque iKlax

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[News] IKlax Player

  • 5 réponses
  • 4 participants
  • 795 vues
Sujet de la discussion [News] IKlax Player
IKlax Player 2.0 : La nouvelle version Mac / Windows est disponible.

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C'est quoi un fichier iklax ?

Citation : The iKlax multitrack audio format brings new value to music. It allows artists, professionals and amateurs alike, to offer the whole of their creativity of a same track, thus allowing listeners to become active.

“When an artist writes his or her music, he or she may have more than one possible arrangements of a same track. It isn’t rare to end up with three guitar samples or two for the piano. Until now, the artist had to finalise and choose one single version for the track. Through iKlax, the artist will be able to offer all versions for the public to navigate within the tracks’ musical architecture." iKlax Media's will is to widen the creation area and to develop the relationship between artist and listeners.

This original idea has been created by Owen LAGADEC and Ivan DUCHEMIN. The digital technology has been developed in collaboration with the audiovideo department of LaBRI1, Bordeaux, France, and researchers Myriam DESAINTE-CATHERINE and Sylvain MARCHAND.

In an ever changing music market, fuelled by constant technical evolutions, artists and music majors alike pay special attention to new solutions that can accentuate their work by developing new ways to add value to every music track.

The iKlax format offers a technological solution to the current problematic and has the potential to be used for digital applications and also for multiple services like hi-fi, mobile phones and portable media devices.

A voir si iklax tant que ça ce player.

"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

Pourquoi pas.

Mais y'a des vrais tracks qui déboitent au format iklax ?
J'imagine que non pour le moment (lancement du bidule début 2008). En tout cas j'en connais pas.

Le côté moins définitif de l'oeuvre pour l'auditeur est probablement un pipeu déroutant.

"To boldly go where no man has gone before."

Pour l'auditeur lambda oui, mais je pense à une partie des membres d'AF que ça peut franchement intéresser. En tout cas le concept me plait bien moi.