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Sujet La mauvaise idée du jour ...

  • 3 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 291 vues
Sujet de la discussion La mauvaise idée du jour ...

Je viens de prendre izotope neutron et ozone advanced sur plugin boutique... En utilisant un VPN... Et :

Citation :
Dear Customer,

Our Fraud Prevention algorithm has detected that your purchase falls into a high-risk category. For this reason your order is temporarily suspended and the serial numbers are hidden. Please contact us at and we will deal with this as quickly as we can.
What To Do

Send an email to from the same email account you used to register at PluginBoutique. Describe briefly any circumstances that may have led to this. These can be:

You are travelling and are away from your billing address
You access the Internet via a proxy server / VPN
You are legally using somebody else's card (family / friends)
You made a mistake in your billing address but it was too late to correct

Certainly there are other valid reasons - please let us know and we will try to make the products you bought available to you as soon as possible. You may be contacted by our Support Staff to further clarify the issue.
Do I have to go through this every time?

No, once you're a verified customer you will not have to go through this process again. We promise.
Why is this happening?

We struggle nearly every day to fight against credit card theft on the Internet. It's not just about our loss, it's also about making it hard to use stolen identity and card information to purchase products from our shop. In the long run, we are doing this to protect you!

J'espère qu'ils vont faire vite... :|
Salut, pourquoi utiliser un VPN pour faire ses achats sur Internet ?
Cela me parait normal que les VPN soient bloqués puisque certains l'utilisent pour des fraudes.
Pour info, le fournisseur du VPN a accès aux données échangées avec tous les sites, dont ta banque.

[ Dernière édition du message le 13/08/2019 à 04:40:23 ]

C'est le VPN de mon antivirus Bitdefender j'ai assez confiance, je l'utilise de plus en plus sur mon PC portable.
Quoi qu'il en soit c'est réglé, mon achat est validé :-D
Chez Plugin Boutique ce genre de chose se règle en 24h le plus souvent. Il faut juste bien répondre à leur mail et vérifier tes spams.

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