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Clayton Custom Guitar Picks

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  • tonmazztonmazz

    Clayton Médiators personnalisés sont un excellent choix

    Clayton Custom Guitar PicksPublié le 18/08/12 à 07:22
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    I had never tried Clayton picks before as I had been strictly a Dunlop guy for many years. Strange enough I won a contest from a guy that had over 300 brand new picks he wasn't using. In this lot he had about 50 of the 1.0 white Claytons. All I can say is that I have played them ever since. Every guitar player knows the pick is a very important part of one's style and choosing the one that works for us is key. This is such a great pick because it has edge to it. Sometimes the Dunlop’s are two smooth in construction and you can’t get a good edge or grind of the strings. This is important, especially in metal and hard rock technique to be able to get a chunk out of the bottom strings and the pick has a lot to do with that. I think of songs with a driving rhythm like Bark At the Moon and I am simply a better player with a Clayton than I am with another brand the same thickness. Now for the pain on the neck part. You can't get them locally where I live so I have to order them direct. Guitar Center started carrying some of the bigger Claytons but the 1.0 whites in regular size are hard to find. It makes for a more expensive and inconvenient situation but in my opinion is well worth the cost and the wait. When I gig, I am lost without these. You can order them with custom graphics using their pick designer which is incredibly cool and reasonably priced. You can also choose from different constructions like Acetal or celluloid for better grip. The web site is excellent and really makes the custom work really easy. I highly suggest you try these and see what you think. Great product!