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< Tous les avis DiMarzio DP422 Injector Neck
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DiMarzio DP422 Injector Neck
DiMarzio DP422 Injector Neck
Hatsubai Hatsubai

« Revised Area pickup »

Publié le 10/04/11 à 01:19
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The DiMarzio Injector Neck is the neck model (obviously) of the signature pickups that were made for Paul Gilbert. Paul used the Area pickups for his last few albums, and he decided he wanted to tweak them a bit. In a way, you could say these are the latest evolution of the Area/Virtual Vintage series pickups. It features staggered pole pieces for that vintage look, four conductor wiring and an Alnico 2 magnet.

The Injector Neck is a louder, more modern sounding version of the standard Area series. The treble is still fairly crisp, but the low end and midrange have been bumped up to help make it sound very powerful and much fatter than the previous pickups. However, that doesn’t mean this pickup is a flubby, overly compressed mess. It’s still very clear like the other Area pickups, and it also actually works better for those really fast shred licks, belive it or not.

DiMarzio says that this pickup is a neck pickup, but it works great in the bridge if you have some of the other Area pickups like the ’58 or ’61 in the neck. This helps keep everything balanced, but it also gives the bridge position a really fat, aggressive sound. The pickup will work in any wood you throw at it from alder to basswood to even maple. This pickup just seems to sound great in anything. Although this has four conductor wiring, I don’t recommend splitting these pickups as they just tend to sound overly thin and lose their power.

If you’re looking for a more modern sounding Virtual Vintage/Area pickup in the DiMarzio line, I highly recommend checking these pickups out. They still have that vintage quality to them, but the specs are bumped up for the more modern world, especially for those who are more adept at playing guitar.