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< Tous les avis DiMarzio DP422 Injector Neck
nickname009 nickname009
Publié le 13/04/11 à 03:14
Cible : Les utilisateurs avertis
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
This is the neck version of the new dimarzio injector pickup! Paul gilbert is currently endorsing these and although I've never been a big fan of his overall tones I'm totally diggin these! I'm not a humbucker guy, I never really was, could never get around the quacky sound that normal single coils sound like. Though after trying a modded tele with a very nice bridge pickup I started to look into higher quality single coil pickups. Single coil pickups are just so well defined and clear on the distortion and are always more dynamic than a humbucker. Also they clean up better than ANY humbucker. This model is no different!

They said this is a hum cancelling strat and most hum-cancelling strats are either not completely quiet or are completely quiet, but stacked single coils put together to be hum-cancelling and thus not sounding like a single coil pickup anymore at all! This is one of the better sounding single coil pickups I've ever heard! Not only is it really clean and bright like a single coil, but also very QUIET. Distortion is smooth too and not too ice-picky. When blended with the '67 in the middle you'll get your basic strat position 2 sound. It's clear, quiet and VERY strat-like. It’s also not too muddy for leads when under high gain and tracks well too. It’s better for me than a neck humbucker as I’ve found some neck humbuckers to be too thick and sometimes won’t properly cut through the mix. With the injector it’s great and cuts through just fine but isn’t thinned out either, it’s thick enough to sound like a neck pickup and it’s clear. One can most likely use the neck pickup for rhythms under clean and high gain for certain situations. Something like that distorted indie-rhythm-like sound.

I love this pickup and do not plan on changing it anytime soon. I will review the bridge pickup also it's just as great!