Annonces mod1
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Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Waldorf
- Modèle : mod1
- Catégorie : Modules générateurs pour synthés modulaires
- Poids du colis : 870 g
- Fiche créée le : 19/01/2016
Modulator module for Eurorack systems
Three highly flexible modulation sources in one module. All based on innovative analogue circuits for snappy attacks and super smooth curves.
1. AD3SR
- ADSR envelope with up to three decay stages
- Each decay stage with time and target level control
- Configurable for 1, 2, or 3 decay stages
- Loop mode for looping from attack over all enabled decays stages
- Gate and trigger inputs
- Positive and Inverted output
2. Symmetry Generator
- Two segment modulator with controllable symmetry
- CV-inputs for speed and symmetry
- LFO mode with bipolar output
- Gate and Trigger envelope modes with unipolar output
- Linear or rectangular wave forms
3. Rise & Fall
- Two stage envelope “rise & fall”
- Flexible curve control for rise stage – from smooth classical RC shape to cutting linear segments
- Optional loop mode
- Gate input
- Signal output
Autres catégories dans Synthétiseurs modulaires
Autres dénominations : mod 1