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Réglage Vélocité Komplete Kontrol A61

  • 1 réponse
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Sujet de la discussion Réglage Vélocité Komplete Kontrol A61
Bjr à toutes et tous :)
Je galère avec mon komplete kontrol A61 dans la mesure où je ne parviens pas à affiner la vélocité. C'est frustrant quand j'utilise notamment les pianos kontakt.
Merci de votre aide !
J'ai ma réponse : c'est IMPOSSIBLE > cela n'est possible d'affiner que sur les séries S :) :) :) LOL

No velocity curves as the ones in our KOMPLETE KONTROL S-Series are expected for our A-Series range of KOMPLETE KONTROL keyboards.

To be even clearer, we didn't advertise any implementation of such velocity curves in our KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series. Its manual doesn't state such curves either, as shown be myself today here in my first post to you.

The choice of velocities is simply different on the A, than on the S-Series, which are on a different level price-wise. As stated in my post from December the 6th 2018, one needs to press the SHIFT+OCTAVE (fixed velocity) button to switch between a fixed & playing-dynamics' velocity on the KOMPLETE KONTROL A-Series.