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EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition
EastWest Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Gold Edition

Gold pro xp et qlegato

  • 3 réponses
  • 3 participants
  • 665 vues
Sujet de la discussion Gold pro xp et qlegato
Toutes les pubs de RA et de GOLD PRO XP parlent de la fonction QLEGATO
J' ai eu l'occasion d' essayer ra quelques minutes(fabuleux)
Mais cette fonction je ne l'ai pas saisis. Je m'attendai à voir des scripts complexe déclencher les samples ect .. mais rien

Pouvez vous m' expliquez le concept?
Y'a pas de QLegato dans RA...où as tu vu ça ?? C'est propre à Pro XP

Sinon, j'ai l'explication (en anglais) d'un des producteurs de la banque (Nick Phoenix) :

"Qlegato is a technique used to create legato samples. How it is done depends on the instrument. For strings it is done in one of 2 ways depending on whether it is a section or a solo and other factors such as playing style. 11 Violins example: The group is instructed to play a note softly for 2 bars, lock into pitch and upon cue, to smoothly change the bow direction and jump up in volume slightly. In editing, we remove the first 2 bars and have a legato note. It is legato because it is connected to the last note. It just happens to be the same note. This gives us no reverberant interference. The resulting sample is radically different from anything that can be played from silence, because the players do not dig in to the note as much, they do not speed up the bow, and they do not bend the pitch. This is also radically different from what other developers have done when they simple cut off the attack. Qlegato has an attack. It's just a real legato attack playing the same note into itself. Solo strings can easily have Qlegato samples created by cutting each time there is a bow change. This works as long as the player is good at masking bow changes. IF they are, then the resulting samples sound smooth and flowing. With woodwinds and brass, the player simply puts a microscopic blip or pause in the note and we cut there. Once again, the attack is radically different, because the player doesn't really stop playing and the blast of wind and the mouth position, pitch bending etc.. associated with the start of a note is absent. That's it!"
Tchoyy merci pour les explications.
Mais en anglais je n ' ai pas tout compris trop technique pour mon pauvre anglais.
Je vais essayer de traduire . et je le replace en français dans le forum pour les autres .
(Si une personne plus compétante que moi en anglais passe par la ....)

ps:Pour RA tu peu lire "qlegato" sur tous les siteS qui vendent la banque.... vraiment tous....................
J'adors les Gateaux... Bon Ok :fleche: :fleche: :fleche: :fleche: :fleche: :fleche: :fleche:

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