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< Tous les avis EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITION
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EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITION
EastWest Symphonic Orchestra GOLD COMPLETE - PLAY EDITION
CarlaMs CarlaMs

« Complex Orchestral Pack »

Publié le 19/03/13 à 17:13
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
No compatibility issues that I have ever encountered.
The manual is pretty complex and describes the different techniques that may be used to achieve a certain effect or sound , however it's enough if you have a powerful music knowledge.

The general setup is quite simple , however this pack is based around real samples of real instruments , so the setup and configuration takes a while.

The typical functions are easy to follow and understand the instruments , how they blend together and achieve certain sound.


The software works very good , I have never found or had any errors neither any of my working partners.

The software is stable , made extremely well.

I'm getting amazing performances with this product , this pack is often found in any composer's library , the quality of the sounds is outstanding.

I've been using this library for the past 2 or 3 years , this is without a doubt a blessing for the film and scoring composers.


What I like most about this orchestral library , are the sounds , the depth of vibrato , the many type of articulations , the quality of the instruments which layered with a powerful reverb can't be separated from real instruments.

The nice smooth wide range that this software can be used is also a factor , you have different possibilities in terms of resonance , color , and sound.

The thing that I least like about it , is the loading process , this is a heavy software so that it requires a certain amount of time to load , which sometime can be quite painful.

Precision and quality of the sound is dead on , the tremolo is so natural , the pitch is vibrating so powerful and clear , it's an outstanding product.

Knowing what I know , I would make the same choice again in choosing EWQL for my work and self pleasure.