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Lowrey Voyager

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    Lowrey VoyagerPublié le 07/07/09 à 21:39
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Lowrey Voyager is a dual keyboard organ that is cased in a huge unit and also has bass foot pedals.  The organ has a volume pedal and each keyboard has about three and half octaves of keys while the bass pedals has the standard octave.  The organ has full polyphony and has a built in speaker.


    Since there is so much going on with the Lowrey Voyager, it did take me a little while of practice to understand what everything does on this organ.  There is endless tone control available and all sorts of effects at your disposal to insure that you will have total control over your sound.  Everything is laid out conveniently and because of this is helps you to figure out what everything does because if it wasn't smartly done it would be a mess.  I've never seen the manual for the Lowrey Voyager, but if you can get one or already have one it is definitely a good idea to have it around because there are a lot of ins and outs to this organ.


    The tones that are possible with the Lowrey Voyager are quite diverse and varied and at the same time still share a common factor that make this organ what it is.  It is possible to get all sorts of organ sounds including traditional sounds and some not so traditional ones.  It is also great for getting some really quirky and almost circus like organ and keyboard sounds that are really interesting and fun to play around with.  Even though some of the sounds are a little too out there for my taste, for the most part this is a really cool sounding organ.


    I first used the Lowrey Voyager about six month ago and I decided to try out the Lowrey Voyager because I'm a huge fan of The Band and I know that Garth Hudson got many of his classic sounds from a Lowrey organ, even if it isn't this one exactly and I think I was definitely able to get some similar tones.  Even if you aren't into The Band, the Lowrey Voyager is a great sounding organ for any fan of unique keyboards and organs.  They are somewhat hard to find now since they are no longer being made, but if you are seriously seeking for one you can find one at a reasonable price.  The hardest part is finding a way to move this thing as it is extremely big and heavy!