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Modartt Pianoteq
Modartt Pianoteq
stompboxjon stompboxjon

« good but not great »

Publié le 17/06/12 à 09:57
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
With the Modartt Pianoteq I came to realize a few things with it, first of the sounds are great and there is no denying that. Second, you will have a lot of control over the sounds and the way the piano’s sound. But its more like a plug in within a plug in if you know what I mean. Like if you where using Kontakt or some other vst and it had a piano section, that’s kind of what this felt like. It didn’t give me the wow factor and it was more like a typical vst. Some good things about it is that its vey light on your cpu and doesn’t use much. That’s because it’s not a big program or vst at all. It opens very easy and loads quick, I really wouldn’t say that this is the best Piano plug in or even compared to the best piano plug in because there are so many of them out that sound so much more natural. Plus when I was searching I couldn’t find a free trial version of this so buying it made me a little upset after words and I wasn’t a happy customer. If you havent used anything piano plug ins you probably wont understand what im saying but if you want a good piano than this will work for you. If you want a great piano then look in some of the other high end virtual piano’s that are on the market.

The Modartt Pianoteq was created a few years ago so maybe that’s why there are some small issues with it but they may have upgraded it by now or released a new version of it. But there are so many regular synth vst’s that have piano’s just like this there really isn’t even a reason to buy this if you can buy one of those vst’s and get some synths with it.