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< Tous les avis Blue Cat Audio Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst [Freeware]
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Blue Cat Audio Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst [Freeware]
Blue Cat Audio Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst [Freeware]
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Publié le 03/09/10 à 21:06
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Blue Cat Audio's FreqAnalyst is a free frequency spectrum analyzer plug-in. It is available along with a number of other free plug-ins in Blue Cat Audio's freeware plug-in pack, which I'd highly recommend downloading. You can download the FreqAnalyst along with the other free plug-ins from Blue Cat directly from their website, a process that should be pain free and only take a minute. Learning how to use the plug-in is also really simple, although they do give you some parameters to work with that you might not normally see on a frequency analyzer. Basically, you've got a full graph to show you where the signal is at frequency wise, but then you've got a series of parameters that control an envelope, threshold parameters, and a transformation section. I don't really use these parameters too much as I mostly just use this plug-in for monitoring the frequency spectrum of a full mix or sometimes an individual track. A manual won't be necessary for most users, nor do I know any information about it.


I'm currently running the Blue Cat Audio FreqAnalyst plug-in in Pro Tools LE 8 on my Mac Book Pro lap top computer. The computer has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM to work with, and I'm running Pro Tools LE 8 with a Digi 002R audio interface. I've only thus far had a need to run a single instance of this plug-in at a time, and I've never had a problem doing so. You might start to see some performance issues if you were to use a few of these at once within a session, but I'm not sure why anyone would need to do that...


Blue Cat Audio's FreqAnalyst is a very useful plug-in, and when you consider that it's free, it makes it all that much better. It's very easy to use and generally shows you just what you need to see. I have a few other frequency analyzer plug-ins, including RND's Inspector plug-in which is also free. I'd recommend trying out both of them to see what works best for you. It's worth it to have both anyway since they are free, as I've got both on my system. Being that it's free, you might as well download the full Blue Cat Audio freeware plug-in pack, as it's got a number of useful effects and other plug-ins, including this FreqAnalyst which I'd definitely recommend checking out!