Annonces TL Master Meter
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Publié le 14/03/10 à 10:51

Trillium Lane Labs TL Master Meter is a simple metering plug-in which allows you to view any possible over sampling that could cause distortion in your final mix. The plug-in comes in the TL Utilities bundle which also includes TL InTune, a tuner, and TL Metro, a metronome. I installed all of them at the same time, which was a simple thing to do from following the step by step instructions given. The interface of the software is detailed, as it shows you the exact point in time where you have peaking. It also tracks each and every one, so you can go back and see all the different points where it picked it up. There is metering for both your signal level output and your over sample level, side by side so you can compare them easily. A manual is definitely not necessary, as everything is simple and straight forward.
Right now I'm running Trillium Lane Labs TL Master Meter on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run Pro Tools LE 7.4 that runs with a Digi 002R audio interface. I've only used Mater Meter on the master channel of sessions, which is what it is intended for, so having one instance of the plug-in certainly does not take up much processing power at all. My inclination is that just about everyone who is currently running Pro Tools will be able to run Master Meter without an issue, but it just depends on your machine.
The Trillium Lane Labs TL Master Meter isn't a plug-in that I use everyday, as I use it to monitor peaks and to keep the distortion to a minimum. It definitely comes in handy even though it is not the most detailed or complete metering available. I don't need it all the time either, only when I have a mix that is pretty hot and could result in clipping or distortion. Having the TL Utilities bundle is nice to have around, but it isn't a necessity. I got the bundle within a larger bundle, but I don't know if I would have gone out and gotten Master Meter and the Utilities bundle had I not done so...
Right now I'm running Trillium Lane Labs TL Master Meter on a Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run Pro Tools LE 7.4 that runs with a Digi 002R audio interface. I've only used Mater Meter on the master channel of sessions, which is what it is intended for, so having one instance of the plug-in certainly does not take up much processing power at all. My inclination is that just about everyone who is currently running Pro Tools will be able to run Master Meter without an issue, but it just depends on your machine.
The Trillium Lane Labs TL Master Meter isn't a plug-in that I use everyday, as I use it to monitor peaks and to keep the distortion to a minimum. It definitely comes in handy even though it is not the most detailed or complete metering available. I don't need it all the time either, only when I have a mix that is pretty hot and could result in clipping or distortion. Having the TL Utilities bundle is nice to have around, but it isn't a necessity. I got the bundle within a larger bundle, but I don't know if I would have gone out and gotten Master Meter and the Utilities bundle had I not done so...
Fiche technique
- Fabricant : Trillium Lane Labs
- Modèle : TL Master Meter
- Catégorie : Analyseurs & outils de visualisation
- Fiche créée le : 14/03/2010
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Autres catégories dans Logiciels de mesure & calibrage audio
Autres dénominations : tl master meter, tlmastermeter, tl mastermeter