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Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus
Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus

Chorus logiciel de la marque Digidesign

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Hatsubai Hatsubai

« Very versatile »

Publié le 23/06/11 à 07:03
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
AIR plugins are part of the set of plugins that come together with Pro Tools. AIR stands for Advanced Instrument Research, and these are highly versatile plugins that really help expand the overall usage of Pro Tools. First of all, there are no compatibility issues with these plugins as they're made exclusively for Pro Tools. That means no unexpected crashing or weird bugs. I never read the manual on this, so I can't really comment on that. These plugins are easy enough to use that you shouldn't really need it.

This is the AIR Chorus on steroids. There are all kinds of crazy options in here to get whatever chorus modulation you're looking for. In fact, it's like combining multiple AIR Choruses together and having them in one convenient plugin. It might be a bit more daunting than the regular AIR Chorus, but the added benefits are definitely worth it if you're looking to create your own unique chorus.


I use a Mac Pro Dual Quad Core machine, and while Logic is my main DAW, Pro Tools is what I've been experimenting with lately, and I can see why it's considered the best DAW out there. I never had any issues when it came to RAM or slowdowns, but it could also be because my machine is fairly hefty. I never experienced any performance issues with these plugins, and the reason is that they're made exclusively for Pro Tools. Because of that, everything is rock solid. I've only been using Pro Tools for a few months, so my opinions may change in the future.


The AIR Multichorus is the plugin that I probably use the most when I want to create a chorus effect inside of Pro Tools. It's more versatile than the regular AIR Chorus, and it sounds amazing. Just be careful not to overuse this as it can get ridiculously 80s sounding if you're not careful.