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Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus
Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus

Chorus logiciel de la marque Digidesign

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Publié le 23/04/10 à 08:11
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Digidesign AIR (Advanced Instrument Research) Multi-Chorus is a plug-in that comes free with the newest version of Pro Tools. Users of Pro Tools 8 will get this plug-in for free when they upgrade or buy an audio interface with the Pro Tools software. It installs during the initial installation process of Pro Tools 8, so no further action is needed to install the plug-in. The interface of the plug-in makes it a pretty versatile one as it includes setting controls for rate, depth, low cut, width, pre delay, waveform, the number of voices, and mix. It has a very similar interface and make up as the AIR Chorus plug-in that also comes free with Pro Tools 8, but allows for a thicker sound with more perceived voices. I don't think that a manual is something that is necessary, if one exists at all.


Having just upgraded to Pro Tools 8, I'm now running the Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus on my Mac Book Pro that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run Pro Tools 8 with a Digi 002R interface or a Digi 002R audio interface depending on if I'm on the go or not. To date I haven't had any issues at all running the plug-in within this configuration, as the plug-in definitely doesn't take up much processing power at all. I only first used the plug-in a few months ago when I upgraded to Pro Tools 8.


For Pro Tools 8 users, the Digidesign AIR Multi-Chorus is a great tool to have, especially at the price it is at, which is free! I like this plug-in a lot as I think the tone quality is clean and that you can do a great deal with it. It is possible to get a thick chorus sound from this plug-in without a doubt, whether it be on vocals, electric guitars, or whatever else. Both this and the regular AIR Chorus can do some pretty cool things, and both are pretty unique to each other although they do share some similar overlapping tones as well. Everyone who has Pro Tools 8 should absolutely have at least checked this one out by now, as it is a very useful tool.