US$69.00 for new customers, or US$20.00 for existing Replicant 1, 1.5, and 2 owners.
If you are a Replicant 1 or 2 owner who purchased in the Audio Damage Store:
Use the code REP3UPGRADE at checkout to receive a US$49.00 discount. You must be logged in to the account that owns Replicant 1/2 to receive the discount. Note that the version on the Free & Legacy page does not count. This discount is only for people who purchased Replicant.
If you are a Replicant 2 owner who purchased from Plugin Boutique: Plugin Boutique will send you a coupon to upgrade to Replicant 3 on their site.
J'attends le coupon Plugin Boutique mais c'est quand même incroyable de voir encore des éditeurs lancer de nouveaux plugins (ou des mises à jour majeures de plugins comme c'est le cas ici) sans aucune vidéo (a priori YouTube). Rien, aucune démo du Replicant 3...