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Digidesign Eleven
Digidesign Eleven

Simulateur d'ampli/baffle logiciel pour guitare/basse de la marque Digidesign

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Publié le 21/05/09 à 22:30
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Installing Digidesign Eleven was a breeze as I had no problems or compatibility issues at all. It was just as easy as any plug-in I've ever installed and I had it running fairly quickly overall. The interface of the software is pretty easy to follow and it shouldn't take too long for you to understand what everything does, as it only took me a couple of days to figure everything out. The manual for this software is pretty thorough but isn't a necessary thing to have while trying to learn the software as it is easy enough on its own to figure out and to use.


I am currently running Digidesign Eleven on a Mac Book Pro lap top that has a 2.2 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 4 GB of RAM. I run Pro Tools LE 7.4 with a Digi 002 rack version audio interface and the software has run smoothly and stably since I installed it with this set up. I've also used the software on a Pro Tools HD system and it seems no matter which set up I'm using that I'm able run it efficiently and without problems.


I've been using Digidesign Eleven for less than a year but in that short time I've used the software quite a bit and have become pretty attached to it. The interface, like most of Digidesign's software, is very user friendly and while it provides a ton of different amp modeling options, nothing is too hard to understand or figure out. The price of the software isn't all that expensive considering all of the amp modeling capabilities that you are acquiring. While there are other types of amp modeling software that is comparable to this one, Digidesign Eleven is a great choice for all of your amp modeling needs.