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Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp
Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp
RickD RickD
Publié le 18/04/08 à 08:12
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
- What type of amplification (Tube,transistor,...)?

- How much power is delivered?
N/A, this is a preamp.

- What connection types are there?
More than you can imagine: inputs, outputs & loops all over the place.
Ins on the front & back...2 output channels with individual settings...footswitch...this is some serious piece of pro gear.

- What are the setting controls, effects?...
Not sure i can count that high...
5 band graphic EQ + 3 band regular EQ, volume, master, rhythm bright switch, reverb, lead drive, lead master, EQ IN/auto/off, lead mode, lead fat, lead bright, master out A, master out B.
10 rotaries + 5 EQ faders. Never seen anything like it.


- Is the general configuration/setup simple?
Yes, same settings as you're used to on an amp, plus some more than you just have to try...nothing tricky.

- Can you easily get a good sound?
Now this is trickier than expected cos you're tempted to fiddle around and the EQ is very powerful. But you can get good sound if you stop messing around, haha.

- Is the manual clear and sufficient?...
Mine was second hand and i never had the manual.


Some say this has the best clear sound ever when used via the direct out for recording. True that it sounds quite good.

The distortion when pushed to the max gives you that endless sustain you've always dreamt of when listening to Gary Moore...

But Mesa/Boogie sounds Mesa/Boogie. You'll probably love it but you might not. Try it!

In any case, the range of sounds you can obtain here is awesome, and we're talking top of the range here. This is no POD or Boss pedal, folks, this is IT.


I've not used this all that much simply because it hasn't been plugged in and it was easier to use the combo but when i did i was amazed every time.

It sounds like nothing else, that's what's great about it, and it's clean. If you're into metal or grunge you might not want this... :-/

If you want true class, get one of these, but if you want it to sound like it should beware that you should have a proper amp and a good cabinet to back it up. Plugging this into a combo won't do it justice.