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Future Retro XS prototype
Future Retro XS prototype

Synthétiseur analogique en rack de la marque Future Retro

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[News] [NAMM] Future Retro : le projet XS

  • 25 réponses
  • 11 participants
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Sujet de la discussion [News] [NAMM] Future Retro : le projet XS
Prévu pour l'été prochain, le nouveau synthétiseur modulaire de Future Retro sort ses griffes. Au format rack 3U, cet expandeur de la vieille école fonctionnant en CV et déjà précâblé pour utilisation monophonique réjouira les fanatiques du gros son de synthèse.

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Par contre il est mal classé sur AF ce n'est pas de la modélisation mais bien de l'analogique alors siouplé les admins remettez le à sa place, merci.
C'est rectifié :bravo:!!!
Yeah :boire:

Des niewniews...

Citation : Hey all,
As some of you may have noticed summer is here and the XS is not
shipping yet.
Several reasons for this...

For one, the european union is requiring all electronics imported to be
lead free after July1 of this year, and other countries are bound
follow. Europe is quite a big portion of FR sales. Not all of the
components we wish to use in the XS design are lead free at this time,
although I believe all the component manufacturers are working to update
their parts to meet these requirements.

The good news... is that we are taking this time to add more features to
the XS specs.
The changes we are working on include, adding MIDI, more filter types,
and a new distortion stage. Yes, you will still be able to use CV/Gates
to trigger everything in the XS, but with the addition of MIDI we will
provide the ability to repond to pitch bending, velocity for
manipulating envelope times, mod wheel for filter cutoff (so you can
record filter tweaks in a sequencer), and we are currently working on a
dedicated LFO which would be capable of MIDI clock sync.

The original filter specs gave just high and lowpass resonant responses,
now we are adding bandpass, and notch as well.

And the new analog distortion stage is sick, providing maximum crunch
without adding any to the noise floor.

So for now, all we can say is the release date is being pushed back to
more like this fall if everything goes as planned. We will post more
information about the XS on our website as we get closer to it's release.

Jered Flickinger

Merci pour ces intéressantes nouvelles, ça mérite d'attendre...

Mon nouvel album "Zen Universe" vient de sortir :

Qui la precommandé? ou ? combien?
Peut-on utiliser ce truc avec une Revolution, du genre avoir un deuxième oscillalteur et créer des lignes acides de folie en doublant le son ?

Un peu dans l'esprit de la Bombass d'Acidlab pouvant être piloter avec la Bassline. :???:
Bon, j'ai trouvé quelques éléments de réponse sur un post glané je ne sais plus où :

Citation : DB said...

Hi, Here is what Jered of Future Retro has said in the past about the FS XS:

"The planned expander will be a stand-alone unit so that it can be used with all of our existing products. This will not be a new model of the Revolution synthesizer itself.

Also, from past discussions with Jered, but I can't seem to find the emails, I believe that it is supposed to be able to add on an Analogue Oscillator, Envelope, and LFO amongst other things to the Mobius , 777 & Revolution.

So it would make the Revolution a 2 Osc synth rather then a 1 OSC with LFO and Envelopes, and the 777 a 3 OSC synth with LFO's and Envelopes, and would make a simple mono synth/mono osc synth out the Mobius.

Ca devrait déchirer avec une Revolution donc ... pfffiouuu une ligne acide avec deux oscillateurs...
Salut, zavez trouvés des demos mp3 ?

y en a t'ils qui ont des infos sur la sortie :???:
Thinks and Keep the rhythm