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Studio Electronics Oscillation

Studio Electronics Oscillation

Module générateur pour synthé modulaire de la marque Studio Electronics appartenant à la série Boomstar Modular

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Fiche technique

  • Fabricant : Studio Electronics
  • Modèle : Oscillation
  • Série : Boomstar Modular
  • Catégorie : Modules générateurs pour synthés modulaires
  • Fiche créée le : 18/03/2015

 Potentiometer Potential

Three attenuation, and three attenuverter pots control the FREQUENCY, TUNE, PW CV IN, PULSE WIDTH, FM CV IN, and SUB LEVEL, delivering smooth, detailed, and complex expression.
Switch it Up
NORMAL and LOW RANGE - wide sweeping audio frequencies, or clicks (respectively) for creating a rhythmic pulse or sweep; SINE, TRI, SAW, SQR - your friendly waveform on and offs.
Patch it Up
Eleven patch points: 1 V/O, FM IN, WAVE MIX, SYNC IN, PW IN, SUB OUT, SINE OUT, TRI OUT, SAW OUT, RAMP OUT, SQR OUT direct the deepest manipulation.
All Controls and Patch Points
FREQUENCY – Oscillator frequency attenuator.
NORMAL / LOW RANGE – Oscillator domain switch.
TUNE – Oscillator fine-tune attenuverter.
PULSE WIDTH – Variable pulse wave width control.
SINE – Sine wave on/off.
TRI – Triangle wave on/off.
SAW – Sawtooth wave on/off.
SQR – Square (pulse) wave on/off.
FM CV IN – Frequency Modulation control voltage input attenuverter.
SUB LEVEL – Sub (one octave down) level attenuator.
1 V/O – One volt per octave control voltage input.
FM IN – Frequency Modulation control voltage input.
SYNC IN – Oscillator Sync control voltage input.
PW IN – Pulse Width control voltage input.
SUB OUT – Sub Oscillator output.
SINE OUT – Sine Oscillator output.
TRI OUT – Triangle wave output.
SAW OUT– Sawtooth wave output.
RAMP OUT – Ramp (reverse sawtooth) wave output.
SQR OUT – Square wave output


Size - 16hp
Depth - 39.7mm with ribbon cable attached
Power Usage - 20mA, 39mA (+12 / -12)



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