Mo-Phatt 2.26 Os et ?
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Je trouve pas d'INFO chez E-MU.
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.: Odon Quelconque :.
Par exemple [ là ].
Citation : You must to download the XL-1 manual.
There you will find all about the arps and superbeats and others features.
« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)
T'as pas une idée où je peux charger le XL1 ???? D'ailleurs c'est quoi XL1 ?
Ils pourraient mettre les spécifications de leur UPDATE sur le site d'EMU !
.: Odon Quelconque :.
Sinon, le manuel du XL1, c'est [ ici ]. En angliche, bien sûr.
Je compatis pour le manque de spécifs, mais malheureusement, le site de référence sur le Proteus 2000 (et dérivés) sur lequel j'étais tombé un jour est down...
Pour mémoire:
Enfin, bon, un chti coup de [ Google ], quoi, enfin.
Par exemple, y'a toujours quelques maigres infos sur le site d'[ E-MU Japan ], en japonais donc.
« What is full of redundancy or formula is predictably boring. What is free of all structure or discipline is randomly boring. In between lies art. » (Wendy Carlos)
Citation : RELEASE NOTES: Proteus 2000 Version 2.26, October 20, 2002
Modules OS Version 2.26
The CRC after MIDI download is: 6C93D828
These are the Release Notes for E-mu Sound Modules OS version 2.26. These notes are common for all 64 voice (1k) and 128 voice (2k) modules (P2K, V2K, XL-1 Turbo, B-3 Turbo, MoPhatt Turbo (Turbo Phatt), Planet Earth Turbo, Orbit-3, Vintage Pro).
New features of this release
All versions are now enabled for arps and beats (special upgrade OS no longer necessary)
Now supports SIMMS that use two different ROM IDS (like PROM1)
Supports sustain cord destinations for volume, filter, and aux envelopes
Now supports the Vintage Pro model
Fixed bug when the second SIMM of a two SIMM module (Virtuoso,Orbit3) was not installed
Expanded clip range for preset transpose and links transpose to +- 127
Changes Since version 1.23
Solo mode has been improved greatly from version 1.23 (as well as improved from 1.00 for XL-1 users). When optimizations were made to the note-on code (read better midi timing) for version 1.21, we inadvertently introduced some solo mode pops and clicks. Rather than simply pull those optimizations out, the root problem has been fixed, leaving 1.24 with both better timing and better solo mode performance.
Reboot Proteus 2000, holding down Audition & Home/Enter
Using E-Loader, download p2k226.dli
Follow prompts...Enjoy!
Gestion des arpégiatteurs et des beats
Là où on veut des esclaves, il faut le plus de musique possible-L. Tolstoï
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