Sujet de la discussionPosté le 08/08/2003 à 21:30:39Assignation des Sons aux Sorties Séparées
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Squatteur·euse d’AF
Membre depuis 21 ans
2Posté le 25/04/2004 à 23:32:00
P'tain, obligé de faire le boulot, c'est un monde j'vous jure!
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How do one activate & assign the 4 individ outs?
Hello everyone!
Question: is there anyone who can possibly help me in resolving my issue with having my sounds come out or activate and assign the tracks to come out the 4 individual outs instead of stereo alone. The manual doesn't do much justice so could some one help? i have all the cables hooked up correctly and i want to seperate my sounds onto my multiple track analog mixer so please help.
To assign the parts in a multi to different outputs:
Press [MULTI
Press [EDIT]
Press one of the [1 / 5 / 9 / 13], [2 / 6 / 10 / 14], [3 / 7 / 11 / 15], or [4 / 8 / 12 / 16] buttons depending on which part you wish to assign.
Using the Page buttons ([<] and [>]) select the Output page
Using the arrow keys and data dial specify the outputsel for each part.
Note: signals that are routed to the assignable outputs rather than the main L&R outputs do not have system effects applied to them.