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< Tous les avis Furman RV-1 Reverberation System
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Furman RV-1 Reverberation System
Furman RV-1 Reverberation System
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Publié le 17/02/11 à 01:06
Rapport qualité/prix : Excellent
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
The Furman RV-1 Reverberation System is a true analog spring reverb. I don't know what year this one was made, but it's certainly on the older side. I really didn't know that Furman made this kind of gear at any point until I used the RV-1 as they're mostly known for making power conditioners and other utility gear. The RV-1 has 1/4" connections for input and output as well as for a footswitch. It's also rack mountable and will only take up a single space in a traditional rack casing, which is impressive as it's got a real spring reverb in there.


Using Furman RV-1 Reverberation System doesn't take too much backing knowledge. It's more or less self explanatory and will be super easy to use for most users. The parameters that it has include knobs for input level, a direct output level and a reverb output level, as well as EQ knobs for midrange frequency and gain and treble gain as well. I haven't seen the manual for the RV-1 and think it will be needed or readily available.


The sound of the Furman RV-1 Reverberation System is pretty awesome to say the least. While not the best spring reverb I've ever heard, it's still really nice sounding especially considering the small casing that it's in. The spring reverbs that I've used that I like better than this one are in much larger casings, like the AKG BX20. This is a great reverb for all applications pretty much, but I've found it works best on things like guitars, vocals, and even snare drum. It's certainly versatile...


The Furman RV-1 Reverberation System can actually be had a pretty cheap price used, or at least the few that I've seen floating around out there haven't been expensive. I really don't know much about the RV-1 other than the information I've gathered from using it, but to me it seems like a great choice for any studio looking for an extra spring reverb. The studio I work at also has a real plate reverb, so this is a nice compliment to that. Definitely check out the RV-1 as a low budget real spring reverb option.