voila une astuce pour mettre la srv en digital delay "mode etendue" vu sur Harmony central
"There's also a secret digital delay mode. Power on while holding down the WRITE, REVERB NON-LINEAR and ROOM SIMULATE butons. This turns the SRV-2000 into a full-feature digital delay unit...."
mise sous tension tout en maintenant les boutons WRITE, REVERB NON-LINEAR and ROOM SIMULATE. Ceci transforme le Srv-2000 en digital delay jusqu'a 500 ms.
voila une astuce pour mettre la srv en digital delay "mode etendue" vu sur Harmony central
"There's also a secret digital delay mode. Power on while holding down the WRITE, REVERB NON-LINEAR and ROOM SIMULATE butons. This turns the SRV-2000 into a full-feature digital delay unit...."
mise sous tension tout en maintenant les boutons WRITE, REVERB NON-LINEAR and ROOM SIMULATE. Ceci transforme le Srv-2000 en digital delay jusqu'a 500 ms.
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