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Akai Professional S1000
Akai Professional S1000

Les sorties separés

  • 2 réponses
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Sujet de la discussion Les sorties separés
salut a tous,
es ce que qq saurait m'expliqué clairement comment assigné les samples sur les sorties séparés??
Il ya 2 aspects à considérer :

Sur la doc akai p 61:
cette page explique le sous menu OUT du menu PROG :

Citation : "mono out" specifies the output channel (OFF or 1 to 8) from which the program is
played. Note that this setting interacts with the "out" parameter in the SMP2 page of the
keygroup setting, and is used as the "base" number to which offsets set up in the SMP2
page are added. If this value is set to OFF, then the program will only be output from the
stereo connectors.

Ce qui veut dire que,
- si ce param est OFF, les samples compris dans le PROGramme que tu es en train d'éditer "ne sortiront pas" sur les sorties séparées:
- si il est différent de OFF alors cela sortira sur la sortie spécifiée (1..8).

De plus, à la page 58
cette page explique le sous-menu SMP2 dans le menu PROG

Citation : The "out" parameter requires a little explanation. If a program is assigned to be played
through one of the eight individual output channels, an "offset" can be added to each
sample in the program which is added to the basic output channel to determine the output
channel from which the sample will eventually be output. For example, if a program is
assigned to be played through channel 3, and four sample "out"s are set in this page to be
0, +1, +1 and +2, these samples will be played through channels 3, 4, 4 and 5 respectively.
If value of the basic output channel added to the offset here goes above 8, the number
"wraps round". In this way, if the basic out channel is 6, and the offset value set here is 6,
the total is 12. This will be automatically changed to 4 (12 - 8).

Cela dit que tu peux modifier ici la sortie d'un sample par rapport au setting du PROG.
Ainsi, si dans le menu OUT tu as spécifié mono out = 2 et si le parametre OUT dans la page SMP2 est +3 alors le sample sortira en 2 + 3 = 5.
L'idée derriere cela est de pouvoir au sein d'un même PROGramme changer l'affection d'1 ou plusieurs samples.
:D: merci pour l'explication, j'y vois deja plus clair