Les deux mises à jour sur lesquelles travaille MOTU pour Digital Performer devraient améliorer de manière significative les performances CPU lors de l’utilisation d’instruments et effets virtuels, réduire la latence pour les entrées/sorties et les instruments virtuels et apporter de nouveaux plug-ins pour la génération de time code SMPTE et la création d’inserts hardware pour ceux qui utilisent du matériel externe.
Plus en détails, Digital Performer 9 sera doté d’un moteur Next-Gen Pre-gen qui réalisera des pré-rendus de la sortie audio à partir des instruments et effets virtuels afin d’en réduire la charge CPU. il sera toujours possible de travailler en temps réel, de manière individuelle si nécessaire, lorsque vous avez besoin d’enregistrer par exemple.
MOTU annonce avoir divisé par deux la latence du buffer de l’hôte, et aurait obtenu une latence de 1.39 ms avec un buffer de 32 samples à 96 kHz avec une interface Thunderbolt MOTU 1248 lors d’un test RTL.
Digital Performer sera bientôt doté d’un nouveau plug-in SMPTE-Z destiné à générer du time code longitudinal (LTC) en suivant la timeline de la STAN ou indépendamment de celle-ci grâce au mode Freewheel. Une option Stillframe permet de continuer à générer du timecode même lorsque la lecture/l’enregistrement de DP est arrêté et il sera possible de router le timecode librement.
Un autre plug-in, appelé Hardware Insert, va permettre de boucler le signal audio d’un canal pour le traiter par un processeur matériel externe. Ce plug-in pourra être instancié “en ligne” avec les autres plug-ins, et sauvegardé dans un clip/chaîne d’effets. Le plug-in comprendra un bouton pour “pinger” le processeur externe, mesurant ainsi la latence et la compensant si besoin.
Les autres nouveautés annoncées pour les versions futures de DP9 incluent également la possibilité de sauvegarder et rappeler des ensembles de pistes invisibles dans le sélecteur de pistes, ce dernier permettant d’afficher ou de masquer des pistes dans la Tracks Overview, le Sequence Editor, le Mixing Board et d’autres vues. Enfin, le support de la lecture de vidéo arrive, par le biais d’un lecteur tiers (les Blackmagic Design et AJA Video Systems).
Les améliorations dites de workflow seront implémentées dans la version 9.02 qui arrivera dans le courant du 1er trimestre ; les deux plug-ins, le moteur Next-Gen Pre-Gen et les améliorations de latence arriveront dans le courant du deuxième trimestre.
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![Lâg met à jour la série Tramontane T300](https://img.audiofanzine.com/img/product/normal/2/4/248727.png?fm=pjpg&w=120&h=67&s=6479f431d081a4cbb80cd0c716cd7228)
Corbo-BillyNouvel·le AFfilié·e
Corbo-BillyNouvel·le AFfilié·ePosté le 02/02/2016 à 18:41:16
C'est bon; c'est disponible, section Download _
petitindienPosteur·euse AFfamé·ePosté le 02/02/2016 à 18:46:58
Téléchargement en cour, 36 minutes et j'ai la fibre.
Doit y avoir du monde sur la ligne.
Corbo-BillyNouvel·le AFfilié·ePosté le 02/02/2016 à 18:59:09
Citation de : petitindien
Doit y avoir du monde sur la ligne.
Hé oui: à cette heure-ci, les States se réveillent et surtout pour une telle update .
New features introduced in version 9.0.2
Version 9.0.2 introduces the following new features:
Support for 3rd-party video hardware — On OS X 10.7 or later, you can now use
devices from Blackmagic Design and AJA Video Systems to stream video output from
Digital Performer. Choose the device in the same fashion as described for MOTU video
hardware in the DP User Guide. This feature is Mac-only.
Support for Softube's Console 1 — Softube's Console 1 is an integrated hardware/
software mixing solution that brings the feel of a real console to Digital Performer.
Console 1 includes SSL SL 4000 E, a modeled analog console channel plug-in with 4-
band EQ, compression, emulated analog console saturation, and a unique Dynamic
Shaper. For more information, see https://www.softube.com/console1.php.
More vertical zooming in the Tracks Overview — Version 9.0.2 adds more vertical
zoom steps to the Tracks Overview so that tracks can be even taller.
View menu — The new View menu consolidates many features in Digital Performer
related to managing view-related commands and preferences. The "View Filter"
command has been moved to the View menu and renamed "Filters". A large number of
commands for manipulating the visibility of tracks in windows have been added, and
they are also available in the standalone Track Selector's mini- menu.
Track selector enhancements — The Tracks Overview can now display the Track
Selector like other windows. The Track Selector can be popped out of the Consolidated
Window as a stand-alone, global window that affects all windows. The Tracks Selector
list now indicates which tracks are currently record-enabled (bold) and disabled (italic),
at a glance.New commands in the new View menu allow you to take a snapshot of
which tracks are currently visible in the Track Selector and save the snapshot as a track
layout. Saved track layouts appear in the View menu and Commands window list,
where they can be assigned hot keys for instant recall. Track layouts are bound to their
sequence chunk and saved with the project.
Select All — The Select All command now only applies to the tracks visible (including
closed folders) in a given window rather than all tracks in the sequence.
Muting selected audio — Using the Mute Selection command to mute or unmute a
time range selection now scissors audio at the end points of the selection, e.g. you can
select a subregion of a soundbite and toggle mute to mute just the selected area.
Display preference for grid lines — There is a new display preference for showing
and hiding grid lines, instead of their visibility being bound to snapping being enabled or
disabled. This defaults to being turned on. If you prefer to only see the edit grid while
snapping, uncheck View > Grid > Edit Lines and make sure Edit Lines While Snapping
is enabled.
Countoff while slaved to external sync — DP's Countoff feature now works while DP
is slaved to external sync and AutoRecord is enabled. The click counts off to DP's
punch-in time.
Send knobs readouts — Added readouts for send knobs on mouse-over that you can
optionally type into. Option-clicking will immediately start editing the readout.
New commands — New commands have been added for changing which track or
chunk is showing in the focused editor and duplicating takes on two or more selected
Enhancements introduced in version 9.0.2
Version 9.0.2 provides many improvements, optimizations, and refinements. Here are
just a few highlights:
• [Mac] Fixed a crash with the Welcome window triggered by certain third-party plug-ins.
• [Mac] Fixed the Spotlight help menu in Japanese.
• Fixed a crash importing groups of sound files with mismatched sample rates.
• Fixed an issue where dragging a patch change to a clipping from the ME would hang.
• Fixed a crash when instantiating a surround panner via the right-click context menu.
• Fixed an issue where the last tempo event in the conductor track overview in the
Tracks Overview might not appear graphically.
• Fixed a crash merging a pop-edited soundbite.
• Record next/previous track commands now follow the track order based on what's
visible in the Tracks Overview.
• The Show/Hide Track Selector command now works in the Tracks Overview.
• Fixed a crash deleting a console item.
• Fixed the scroll bar in the Sequence Editor's track selector.
• Fixed a crash with surround send panners when switching the send destination.
• Kontakt 5.5.1 VST no longer fails examination.
• Fixed an issue where very large timestamps might not export correctly in WAVE files.
• Improved performance of the Movie window.
• Improved graphical performance when recording lots of audio.
• Added an embedded Track Selector to the Tracks Overview.
• Fixed deleting effects from custom categories.
• Fixed zooming in the conductor track ruler in the Sequence Editor.
• Fixed mute tool undo.
• Fixed an issue where certain clicks might not play back at sample rates other than
• Fixed issues resizing effect windows.
• [Win] Fixed Japanese localization in the L.A.M.E export plugin.
• [Mac] Use the proper system font for menus on 10.10+.
• Floating windows except toolbars no longer hide when switching to another
• Enabled "Edge Edit Copy" by default.
• Newly created soundbites will be labeled as "bite#.4" instead of "bite.4" to remove
ambiguity so that bites intentionally ending with numbers (e.g., timecode) don't get
treated as bite numbers.
• Improved project sizes and load and save times in large templates with lots of tracks.
• [Win] Fixed the Welcome Window on Windows 10.
• Fixed a graphical issue where plug-in UIs or consolidated window cells might not be
placed correctly after dragging the containing window.
• Fixed a crash when restoring a window set with the QuickScribe window.
• Fixed an issue dragging multiple items to a category in the effect chooser.
• Fixed a crash when copying a console item.
• Fixed a crash when attaching to a Mixing Board item while in MIDI Learn mode.
• Fixed a crash when undoing during analysis.
• [Win] Fixed an issue where MP3 exports wouldn't have the .mp3 extension.
• Fixed an issue where opening an empty plug-in window with Shift-F wouldn't float
according to the preference.
• [Win] Fixed international keyboard support for certain characters, such as '<' and '>' on
Italian keyboard layouts or chords involving the Alt Gr key.
• Fixed an issue where tap tempo didn't work reliably when tapping faster than the
current tempo.
• Fixed an issue where nudging by milliseconds the same amount in either direction
might be off by a few samples from the initial position.
• Fixed an issue where imported movie audio didn't have the correct timestamp.
• Fixed the pitch bypass button.
• Improved performance of commands encompassing lots of tracks.
• Fix occasional crashes caused by unloading plug-ins dynamic libraries when shutting
down MAS.
• Fixed a crash when inserting a CC into the MIDI Editor.
• Fixed a bug where rectified waveforms weren't drawing correctly.
• Improved display of muted soundbites and MIDI notes.
• Added the Waveform Editor to the Open In editors in contextual menus where
• Changed the default selection color to the theme selection color instead of the system
selection color.
• Fixed an issue where the Erase command might not correctly be bound to the Delete
• Made the insertion point more visible in dark themes.
• Fixed a bug where VSTs or Carbon-based AUs weren't displayed properly when
running in 32-bit.
• Fixed crashes hiding and showing lanes.
• Improved the performance of undos involving large numbers of tracks.
• [Win] Fixed pencilling CCs in the SE.
• [Win] Fixed a hang when resizing the movie track in the SE.
• Improved performance of the EuCon control surface driver with large numbers of