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FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
(contenu en anglais)
The only real problem that I have with the 2400 is that it has NO SCSI, USB, FireWire, or any other way to connect it to the outside world. The CD-burning capability is fine for doing your own little projects -- but if you expect to make a living from recording other's stuf, and expect to be able to easily archive artists' work (to be able to erase and reuse the hard drive) forget it. There is no way to even attach an external drive. The 2400 is a completely sefl-contained piece, period.
NO -- this thing is NOT easy to use!!! I finally figured out how to use everything that I wanted to be able to use it for -- but even now, there are things that I wish that I could do with it that I can't.
Ordinarily, Roland stuff is pretty road-worthy -- but this sucker was only in my studio, and began to exhibit some problems with the data wheel about six months into heavy use. After I sent it out and got it back, it began to show signs of wear on the faders. Ugh.
Mine came with the two VS8F cards, which jacked the price up. It sounds exactly like I would expect it to sound -- which is to say that I don't hear the sound. I hear the music that I record onto it.
I do love this sucker after all. It has helped me to create some really good-sounding music. At the end of the day, whatever works is what works.
Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: SammyJames (January 0-, 2005)
NO -- this thing is NOT easy to use!!! I finally figured out how to use everything that I wanted to be able to use it for -- but even now, there are things that I wish that I could do with it that I can't.
Ordinarily, Roland stuff is pretty road-worthy -- but this sucker was only in my studio, and began to exhibit some problems with the data wheel about six months into heavy use. After I sent it out and got it back, it began to show signs of wear on the faders. Ugh.
Mine came with the two VS8F cards, which jacked the price up. It sounds exactly like I would expect it to sound -- which is to say that I don't hear the sound. I hear the music that I record onto it.
I do love this sucker after all. It has helped me to create some really good-sounding music. At the end of the day, whatever works is what works.
Originally posted on FutureProducers.com
Posted by: SammyJames (January 0-, 2005)