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Elektron Monomachine SFX-6
Elektron Monomachine SFX-6

Clavier synthétiseur numérique de la marque Elektron appartenant à la série Monomachine

OS et synchro de la Monomachine

  • 2 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 1 223 vues
Sujet de la discussion OS et synchro de la Monomachine
Pour les retardataires, un nouvel OS 1.05c qui n'est q'un bugfixe est dispo sur le site Elektron

Aussi, un petit texte explicatif sur la synchro de la Mono avec les autres sequenceurs. Cool

Citation : Synchronization of Monomachine to other sequencers
Using MIDI Timing Clock and MIDI Song Pointer Position

Experiences gathered by Elektron development team
Version 1.0 2005-06-29

* Slaving Monomachine to software sequencers *

Settings used: Global Slot-Control-Control In-Tempo Sync: Ext MIDI Clk
Global Slot-Control-Control In-Transport: Accept
Version tested: 1.05c

Works fine.
Settings used: Enable MIDI Beat Clock to MIDI port.
Version tested: Protools LE 4.7 OS X

Limited functionality
Settings used: Sync Setup-Send MIDI Clock, select MIDI port.
Version tested: Cubase SX OS X
Comments: When changing position while in play mode synchronization is
lost. If you press stop before changing position no problems arise.
Code sequence when changing position while playing:
... Clock - Continue - Clock - Clock - Stop - SPP - Clock ...

Limited functionality
Settings used: MIDI/Sync-Output, select port.
Version tested: Live 4.1.4 OS X
Comments: When starting from a position other then the beginning of
the song the slave still starts from the beginning of the song.
This happens becourse Live sends SPP - Start - Clock when changing
song position.

Works fine.
Settings used: Synchronization-Transmit MIDI Clock, select MIDI port.
Version tested: Logic Pro 6.4.3 OS X
Comment: If selecting 'Allow Song Polinter Position While Playing'
Monomachined dont slave properly in songmode.

Limited functionality
Settings used: Send MIDI Clock.
Version tested: Windows XP
Comments: SPP is not sent when changing position while playing.
Two conflicting SPP are sent when looping.
Stop is never sent.

* Slaving software sequencers to Monomachine *

Settings used: Global Slot-Control-Control Out2-Transport: Out
Global Slot-Control-Control Out2-MIDI Clock: Out
Version tested: 1.29b

Not possible to slave to MIDI Timing Clock.
Version tested: Protools LE 4.7 OS X

Not possible to slave to MIDI Timing Clock.
Version tested: Cubase SX OS X

Limited functionality.
Settings used: MIDI/Sync-Input select MIDI Port, MIDI/Sync-Input
select MIDI Clock.
Version tested: Live 4.1.4 OS X
Comments: Always starts from the beginning of the song.
Note: Live in unable to control another computer running Live using
MIDI Clock and SPP.

Works fine.
Settings used: Select MIDI Clock Sync.
Version tested: Logic Pro 6.4.3 OS X

Not possible to slave to MIDI Timing Clock.
Version tested: Cubase SX OS X

* Monomachine sending MIDI Timing Clock while sequencer not running *

To give external synchronized gear the possibility to stay in sync
between songs and while in Stop or Pause Monomachine sends MIDI Timing
Clock continuously even when not in play mode. This allows for tempo
synced LFO's and Delays to stay in sync.

* Monomachine Fallback when in External Sync *

When Monomachine is in External sync and receiving MIDI Timing Clock
and the stream stops a fallback to internal sync will happen after 10
seconds. If the external MIDI Timing Clocks restarts automatic
switchback is provided. The fallback enables operation of Monomachine
with Internal clock without the need to change the global setting in
case of a sudden loss of sync.

* Monomachine has separate control for Sync-Tempo and Sync-Ctrl *

Monomachine provides separate switches for sending and receiving MIDI
Timing Clocks and Ctrl (Start/Continue/Stop/SPP). This can be useful in
several situations.

Tempo in - Ext. Ctrl in - Off.
- Synchronize tempo with use of MIDI Timing Clocks while using Pattern
Trigs to control Start/Stop of patterns.
- Synchronize LFO's and Delays while Monomachine is used as a
sound module.

Tempo in - Int. Ctrl in - On.
- Slaving to a static and exact tempo, but the master units send a
jittery clock. Using internal tempo keeps retrigs, tempo synced LFO's
and Delays tight.

Tempo out - On. Ctrl out - Off.
- Use Monomachine as a master clock for other devises but not used to
control transport for all units.

Tempo out - Off. Ctrl out - On.
- No real use other than maybe controling another Elektron products set
at the same tempo. The master clocks should be accurate enough for the
units to play exactly synchronised for several hours, maybe days.

* Quotes from 'The Complete MIDI 1.0 Detailed Specifications' *
Document version 96.1

"Clock-based MIDI systems are synchronized with this message, which is
sent at a rate of 24 notes per quarter note. If Timing Clocks (F8H)
are sent during idle time they should be sent at the current tempo
setting of the transmitter even while it is not playing"
"This message commands all receivers which are slaved to incoming
Real Time messages (MIDI Sync mode) to start at the beginning of the
song or sequence."
"A sequencer will continue from its current location upon receipt of
the next Timing Clock (F8H)".
"Playback in a slaved receiver should stop immediately."
MIDI Song Pointer Position (SPP):
"A sequencer's Song Position (SP) is the number of MIDI beats
(1 beat = 6 MIDI clocks) that have elapsed from the start of the song
and is used to begin playback of a sequence from a position other than
the beginning of the song."

"...the receipt of a Start (FAH) or Continue (FBH) message does not
start the sequencer until the next Timing Clock/F8H) is received."
"The Start message (FAH), is treated by MIDI as if it were a command
comprised of a Song Position Pointer of value 0 plus a continue
message (FBH)."
"...the smallest Song Position change is 6 MIDI Clocks, or 1/16 note."

Please discuss this document on We would like this
document as a starting point for a community based pool of experience,
but we can not keep the docuemtn updated ourselves for all possible
sequencers and scenarios.

The Elektron development team

Merci mon gars :bravo: :bravo: :bravo:

Le plus gauche des guitaristes gaucher....

Et 1 bug fixe dispo sur le site Elektron!!! :fete: