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Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2
Radikal Technologies Spectralis 2

out of memory 512 spectralis

  • 4 réponses
  • 2 participants
  • 565 vues
Sujet de la discussion out of memory 512 spectralis
Super machine ...:???::(((
C'est vite dit , je galère avec le Filterbank depuis ce message qui bloque la bécane ;

" Out of memory (512 ) ".:furieux::furieux:

Si quelqu'un à une solution au problème je suis preneur .

as tu trouvé une solution a on probleme amigo ?

Un peu grâce à toi et d'autres ...
Merci . :D:

En mode performz. ça bug moins et on va plus vite chaque chargement des samples , mais ça casse un peu le feeling création , je trouve . :oo:

Sinon ça plante de temps en temps . Et je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi ...!?? :oo:

Crdt .
c'est bizarre quand meme car meme sur le forum de radikal il y a rien

t'as essayé d'envoyer un mail au mec de la machine ?

Hi , :bravo::bravo:

Bizard , ça l'est . :fache:

Voici ça réponse ;

Hi Pierre,

I just talked with the firmware developer. Is it possible, that you have a lot of sample files on the flash memory? The error message is probably not caused by the filterbank editing but because the near memory is exhausted by a large number of samplefile references and names.

In case you have already updated your Spectralis to version 1.50 please create a PERFORMZ.00x folder (where x stands for a number that is not used yet) and put the song with the problem patterns into that folder.

Now switch to the new PERFORMZ.00x folder in the memory menu and try your patterns. Do the still crash the Spectralis?

Now you can copy samples into that folder, that are in use in this song. It should work fine if the samples have no errors.

If you have tons of SLI and SLC files in the normal working directory I would delete everything, that is not in use in any song. The Spectralis can not be compared with a computer. The limited ressources are not capable or organizing hundreds of additional files. You should remove everything you are not using and you should work with multiple PERFORMZ folders.

Best regards,


Anglais oblige .

Mais ça bug toujours de temps à autres . :non:

Bon week . :lol::lol: