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SONICWARE Liven XFM – Accessibility Guide & Tips

Physical Construction
(Top left to bottom right)
Sockets etc.: Power supply with power switch below, LED display, sync in, sync out, midi in, midi out, line in, line out, headphone socket with speaker below
Controls: a row of 5 knobs (knobs row A), a row of 11 knobs (knobs row B), 16 rubber buttons (buttons 1-16), 16 round plastic buttons (steps 1-16), a keyboard with 27 keys, the 16 long white keys across the bottom also access menus through shift functions (key 1-16)

Quick Reference
Pattern Edit Mode
Knobs Row A: knob 1 to 4 edit sounds depending on the synth engine chosen, knob 5 is a notched encoder that is used to edit some functions up or down a single value per click
Row A in X-Lab: 1=sound 1, 2=sound 2, 3=morph from sound 1 to 2, 4=morph color
Row A in X-Lab holding shift button: 1=bank 1, 2=bank 2, 3-pitch and envelope locking, 4=tone
Row A in X-Form: 1=sound 1, 2=sound 2, 3=morph time, 4=morph delay
Row A in X-Form holding shift button: 1=bank 1, 2=bank 2, 3=pitch and envelope locking, 4=morph color
Row A in X-LFO: 1=sound 1, 2=sound 2, 3=morph rate, 4=morph shape
Row A in X-LFO holding shift button: 1=bank 1, 2=bank 2, 3=pitch and envelope locking, 4=morph color
Row A in Library: 1=bank, 2=sound, 3=attack, 4=tone

Knobs Row B: 1=filter cutoff, 2=filter envelope depth, 3=filter envelope time, 4=LFO rate, 5=LFO to pitch, 6=LFO to filter, 7=release & gate time, 8=effects speed parameter, 9=effects amount parameter, 10=pattern tempo, 11= device volume
Knobs Row B holding shift button: 1=resonance, 2=pan, 3=level, 4=note trigger probability, 5=swing, 6=sweep speed, 7=effects send, 8=keyboard velocity, 9=pattern volume level, 10=global tempo, 11=device volume

Rubber Buttons 1-16: 1=knob shift, 2=function, 3=select track 1, 4=select track 2, 5=select track 3, 6=select track 4, 7=cycle parameter lock and sound lock, 8=octave down, 9=octave up, 10=clear, 11=okay, 12=play, 13=record, 14=pattern select, 15=select page 1&3 of pattern, 16=select page 2&4 of pattern
Rubber buttons 1-16 holding function button: 3=mute track 1, 4=mute track 2, 5=mute track 3, 6=mute track 4, 7=parameter lock record, 8=sweep down, 9=sweep up, 14=pattern save, 15=toggle tied notes, 16=toggle knob latch

Step 1-16: used to enter notes and rhythms into the sequencer. Patterns can be up to 64 steps long so the page buttons are used to select different parts of the pattern for editing when the step length is longer than 16 steps.
Step 1-16 holding the function button: 1=cycle synth engine type, 2=cycle filter type and filter envelope shape, 3=LFO shape, 4=LFO delay, 5=voice mode, 6=glide in legato & mono, arpeggiator type in arp mode, 7=sweep range, 8=sweep curve, 9=per step note length, 10=pattern length, 11=transpose, 12=random step length for random sequencer mode, 13=effects type, 14=line in to effects level, 15=random sequencer mode, 16=stutter sequencer mode

Key 1-16 holding the function button: 1=capture sound, 2=edit mode, 3=copy, 4=paste, 5=auto step, 6=pattern or global tempo select, 7=metronome volume, 8=precount length, 9=sync & clock settings, 10=midi channel settings, 11=midi settings menu, 12=data menu, 13=system menu, 14=line in menu, 15=headphone gain, 16=speaker on/off

Sound Edit Mode
In sound edit mode most of the knobs are used to make quick edits to the sound. Step buttons 5 to 16 are used to select parameters to edit then knob 10 on row B is used to make coarse changes to the selected parameter, the encoder knob 5 on row A is used to make fine edits to the selected parameter. Knob 11 remains as device volume.
Knobs Row A
Row A in page 1: 1 to 4=operator 1 to 4 output level
Row A in page 2: 1 to 4=operator 1 to 4 -/+ feedback level
Row B in page 1: 1=keyboard velocity, 2 4 6 8= operator 1 to 4 ratio/frequency, 3 5 7 9= operator 1 to 4 fine tune
Row B in page 2: 1=glide amount in legato and mono voice mode, 2 4 6 8= operator 1 to 4 internal level, 3 5 7 9=operator 1 to 4 detune

Rubber Buttons: 1=page 1 select, 2=page 2 select, 3 to 6=select and mute operator 1 to 4, 7=select mixer/pitch envelope edit, 8=octave down, 9=octave up, 10=cancel & exit edit mode, 11=save & exit edit mode, 12=cycle voice mode, 13=initialize sound, 14=copy sound, 15=midi export sound, 16=edit name

Step Buttons: 1 to 4 in page 1= select operator 1 to 4 receive levels
When the selected operator is the same as the operator receive level then feedback is edited.
Example a: rubber button 3 is selected and step 1 is selected then the value knobs edit feedback for operator 1.
Example b: rubber button 3 is selected and step 2 is selected then the value knobs edit the amount of operator 2 sent to modulate operator 1.

Step buttons 5 to 16 in page 1: 5=ratio/frequency, 6=internal level, 7=detune, 8=velocity level, 9=attack level, 10=decay level, 11=sustain level, 12=release level, 13=envelope time scale, 14=left gain scale, 15=scale centre, 16=right gain scale
Step buttons 5 to 16 in page 2: 5=fixed operator mode on/off, 6=pitch envelope on/off, 7=envelope up curve shape, 8=envelope down curve shape, 9=attack time, 10=decay time, 11=sustain time, 12=release time, 13=null, 14=left gain scale curve, 15=null, 16=right gain scale curve
Step button 1 to 12 in page 1+mixer edit: 1 to 4= operator 1 to 4 output level, 6=overall level adjust, 9=pitch envelope attack level, 10=pitch envelope decay level, 11=pitch envelope sustain level, 12=pitch envelope release level
Step button 9 to 12 in page 2+mixer edit: 9=pitch envelope attack level, 10=pitch envelope decay level, 11= pitch envelope sustain level, 12=pitch envelope release level.

The XFM is an all-in-one synth groovebox that creates it’s sound using 4 operator FM synthesis. It features a 4 track sequencer, FM morphing, filters, LFO’s, effects, audio input, sync in and out, din midi in and out, battery power or mains operation, a pattern edit level where we can create melodic and rhythmic patterns and a sound edit level where we can edit the FM sounds that are played back, morphed between and tweaked in pattern edit mode. The function of the buttons and knobs changes in sound edit mode so the XFM comes with an overlay that displays alternative functions for them.

Getting Started

Loading and Playing Patterns
When the XFM is first switch on it will load into the Pattern Edit mode for making patterns. Patterns can be chained together to build up a song or just played in a loop. There is also a Sound Edit mode which changes the functions of all the knobs, this will be detailed later. When you turn the XFM on for the first time it will load Pattern 1 from Bank 1 into the pattern memory. By pressing Play (button 12) we can start and stop the pattern.
Pattern Bank 1 contains 16 preset patterns we can play back and edit. There are 8 banks in total, the other 7 are empty by default. To load a new pattern press Pattern (button 14) to go into Pattern Select mode. We can then cycle through the available banks using the Bank Down and Bank Up buttons (buttons 8 & 9) and select a new pattern by pressing one of the 16 step buttons. Once we press a step button we load a pattern and exit Pattern Select mode.

Once we’ve edited a pattern we can save it with Pattern Save by holding Function (button 2) and pressing Pattern (button 14). We will then be prompted to select a Pattern Bank and Pattern in the same way as we loaded a pattern. Pressing a step will confirm the memory location and save the pattern. When we next power up the XFM the last saved pattern will be loaded.

The Knob Latch Feature
The Liven XFM is equip with a Knob Latch feature that changes the behavior of the knobs in Pattern Edit mode. When a pattern is saved the positions of the knobs are saved. With the Knob Latch feature switched on the settings for each knob will not be altered until the knob is turned to or past the saved position. This makes it more difficult to accidentally change the settings that are saved but it also gives less audible feedback on what setting is being altered.
How to Work Out if Knob Latch is On or Off
1. Turn Row A Knob 1 fully clockwise
2. Load a blank pattern or erase the current pattern by holding Clear (button 10) and pressing Pattern (button 14)
3. Play the keyboard while turning Row A Knob 1
- If the sound changes rapidly as the knob is turned then Knob Latch is turned off
-If the sound only changes once the knob is turned fully anti clockwise and then back up, Knob Latch is turned on
To turn Knob Latch on or off, hold Function (button 2) and press button 16. Knob Latch does not affect editing sounds in Sound Edit mode