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Yamaha DX7 IID
Yamaha DX7 IID

Clavier synthétiseur numérique de la marque Yamaha appartenant à la série DX

FP User FP User
Publié le 01/11/08 à 00:00
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
For the price it is really well specced. Compression on every channel, 2 effects busses, 16 inputs etc etc.

Price paid



Really really easy. The manual is amongst the best I have encountered. Is easy to follow, it goes into depth about what to use the various effect and compression presets for. It is easy to find an answer if you get stuck. Even though this was essentially my first musical mixer, and I knew nothing about aux sends etc, I did not need the manual to get started, it is very intuitive.

I have had 2 little problems. One of the effects rotaries has a slightly dodgy contact. The parameter wheel kind of fell in a little bit, but this was easily rectified.


Although it's a digital mixer, I am really happy with the sound - it's an honest representation, but doesn't sound clinical. I cannot fault the eq, effects or compression.


I absolutely love this mixer. It does so much it just begs you to try different things. The memories make things so easy - save all your settings with the song, and quickly switch to the next. This is one of the very few things I own where I am continually delighted by new things I find it can do, even after having had it for 2 years. Everything you find you want to do, it has already been designed for. I would wholeheartedly reccomend this mixer. It's hard not to love it

Originally posted on
Posted by: Unknown ( 5-, 2002)
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