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Roland TR-909 Bass Drum (waldorf style)

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Sujet de la discussion Roland TR-909 Bass Drum (waldorf style)

Voilà, je suis tombé sur ce guide pour le synthé "Attack" et j'aimerais refaire ce principe de son mais SANS le synthé.

Juste avec des filtres plugins gratuits.

Seulement j'y connais pas grand chose !

Quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à trouver les plug-ins adaptés, voire expliquer le routing à mettre en oeuvre dans Cubase ?

Voilà ce que je voudrais faire mot pour mot:

Citation de Waldorf:

Roland TR-909 Bass DrumThe Roland TR-909 used an oscillator and a noisy click, controlled by three envelopes, tocreate a bass drum sound.

The oscillator played a sine wave whose pitch was controlled byan envelope and the "Tune" control. The rate of the envelope’s decay was not adjustable.

This oscillator signal was routed to an amplifier with an envelope whose "Decay" parameteradjusted the decay rate of the envelope. The second part of the bass drum sound was madewith a short impulse and a low pass filtered noise generator, both summed and routed intoanother envelope that controlled their output volume. The "Attack" parameter controlled theoverall pulse/noise level, and the decay rate of the envelope was not adjustable.

On the Attack, you can make this sound as follows: Oscillator 1 plays a sine wave, andEnvelope 2 is used to modulate its pitch. This means that the pitch of the oscillator becomeshigher or lower depending on the setting of the Decay parameter of Envelope 2, but thisslight variation doesn't affect the drum sound once it has been set up.

The noise of the impulse can be ignored, because it is low pass filtered anyway. But how dowe create an impulse with the Attack? The answer is simply to use a square wave with avery low pitch setting for Oscillator 2, and to control its level with a very short envelope.Now we have an impulse.

This impulse is low pass filtered afterwards with a slightlyresonating filter, preferrably set to around 5000Hz with a resonance of around 18%.With the Oscillator 1 Pitch and Pitch Env controls you can adjust the sound of the bassdrum, while Envelope 2 Decay controls its length.


Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Iä Cthulhu. Iä Yog Sothoth.