Sujet de la discussionPosté le 29/11/2023 à 08:18:30New Tesseract VINIA
Désolé le descriptif est en anglais, il devrait sortir fin de cette année si tout va bien.
Le tarif devrait être bien inférieur à ses concurrents...
Merci à Mangu responsable chez Tesseract pour ces infos
A plus
VINIA is a multichannel audio generator and processor module.
Each channel can be configured as a multi effect processor, VCO, sample player…
Vinia features 6 physical audio inputs, they are AC coupled. These can be used as audio source (to process the incoming audio as a regular multi effect unit) but also as audio rate modulation source, that means that when a channel source is not set to AUDIO INPUT, that audio input can still be used to perform FM on these parameters:
VCO, Multi VCO, FM operator, Ring modulator:
Shape (only for TRI and PULSE waveforms)
Multimode filter, Rubber filter, Bandpass filter:
Ladder filter:
VCA, Folder:
Each audio input it’s also connected to an Envelope Follower which can be used as a modulation source for any other parameter. If a channel source is set to AUDIO INPUT, the audio rate modulation source will be the Envelope Follower instead of the raw audio input.
The gain control is in the OUT section. Increasing the gain too much will cause analog distortion on the waveform but not ‘ugly digital’ clipping.
cyril gourou
Nouvel·le AFfilié·e
Membre depuis 3 ans
2Posté le 29/01/2024 à 00:20:42
Je sais pas quelle taille va faire ce module mais sur le papier c’est quasiment un synthé modulaire en soi! Une sorte de disting ex avec plus de boutons