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< Tous les avis Krakli Software StringZ [Freeware]
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Krakli Software StringZ [Freeware]
Krakli Software StringZ [Freeware]
AlanForPresident AlanForPresident

«  A Great Freeware »

Publié le 01/08/12 à 09:53
contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
Krakli StringZ 2 is one of the unsung hero’s when I comes to developing VST’s. When I saw they made the StringZ 2 I knew for a fact that I was going to download it. I really didn’t have anything to lose because it is completely free. StringZ 1 was the first version of this that came out and it was great, I didn’t think they would come out with a StringZ2 though, as soon as I got word on it I immediately downloaded it and installed it. The layout of StringZ2 is better than the first version and it is better than any other Freeware that I have seen. Krakli has really taken the time out to create a great interface, I cant believe they still made it for free though.


It worked perfect on my dual core processor Windows 7 64 bit PC. The Ram was not an issue because Krakli StringZ 2 doesn’t not use a lot of CPU. Installing it was very quick just like installing the original version of the StringZ. I still have StringZ on my computer along
with Stringz2 and I use them both to this day. The software is very stable, there have been no issues installing or using.


StringsZ2 seems to have some more authentic sounding strings that sound less "synthy" than they did on the first version that came out a while back. That is a good thing and a bad thing because I do love to have synth sounding strings, that is the only reason I keep StringZ1 installed on my system , other wise I would have took it off when StringZ2 came out. I am happy though I downloaded this and knew I would love it before I downloaded it. If you are in need of some good strings why not download this freeware. The quality of this VST is outstanding, and its easy to use.