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Sujet Console amplifiée etek? qui connait?

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Sujet de la discussion Console amplifiée etek? qui connait?
Mon groupe et moi en avons marre d'arriver à un concert avec, en guise de sono, un dj muni de sa chaine hi fi ( ca s'est déja vu ...). sachant qu'on va rarement faire des concerts avec une sono qui tue, nous avons décidé d'investir dans un petit systeme perso. ( budget serré :400€ )

en parcourant le catalogue de musicstore, je tombe sur ca :

he MA-400 is a compact, flexible Powermixer in Laptop-form.
The Notemix has 6 Mic/Line-Inputs, 2 Stereo/Line-channels and an effect unit. The amplifier has 2x200Watt/4Ohm with fan and transport bag, 14 inputs, 3-band EQ, Gain, PFL, PAN, 4 Stereo-Inputs with 3 Aux-ways and Volume Right/Left, headphone output for In-Ear-Monitoring, integrated controllable digital effect: Delay, Reverb, Chorus and Surround, programs. Ideal for entertainers and smaller bands, weight 7kg.


1. 2x200 watts? suffisant pour des petites et moyennes salles?
2.etek? je connais pas , c'est de la copie de behringer( lui meme copie de...).

qu'en pensez vous les sonoristes??

I'm sorry for this but I'm going to do this in English, my French really sucks.

ETEK is a pretty small brand, but they are pretty cheap. It isn't a copy of behringer it's just something different. This powermixer seems pretty ok to me, it has 6 mono-inputs so its ok to preform but it's a bit too small to record your songs (the drums need more microphones, but you can buy a little non-powermixer for that).
If you only want to spend €400, you haven't got much choice. You can try to find a second-hand PA system or you can go for this one. The cheapest yamaha and behringer powermixers are also 200Watts but they cost over €300, and you need to buy speakers and monitoring too (or the sound will still suck). You can get the musicstore speakers they're pretty cheap. Monitors are pretty expensive cuz they are active, but you can also use an old guitar or combo-amplifier for that.

It's ok fo small places, so I think this is a good solution when you haven't got much money. For a really superb and loud sound it is a bit too small but you can always buy an external amplifier and link it to the mixer afterwards.
or contact me
Thx for your explication :bravo:

in effect, it's not for recording . It's just for my fucking band :mdr:
I want to know a thing : preamps of the etek are correct?not like beringer's preamp I hope ;)
Connait pas etek , mais si si je peux te donner un conseil: oublie les consoles amplifiées , c'est de la daube et pas polyvalent.
En entrée de gamme, le minimum syndical pour de la diffusion, c'est phonic max860+ 2 peavey pro15.
Pour la console, tout dépend du nombre d'instrus, les ptites yam mg sont pas mal et pas trop chères.
Tu n'as que 400€, c'est peu mais je connais la dèche et je te conseille d'économiser un peu avec tes potes et de prendre un ptit systeme console+ampli+enceintes.

Pour toi des pros qui donnent de très bons conseils:


Quand mon verre est vide, j'le plains. Quand mon verre est plein,j'le vide.