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Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II Head

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Tête d'ampli guitare tout lampe de la marque Mesa Boogie appartenant à la série Stiletto

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  • ibanez4life SZ!ibanez4life SZ!

    Le complément parfait à la Recto!

    Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II HeadPublié le 08/04/11 à 04:37
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Stiletto Deuce came onto the market as Mesa’s first offering of EL-34 amplifiers and features

    -100 watt all tube with 4 EL-34s and 5 12AX7s
    -2 channels, each with independent EQ
    -3 voicing switches per channel
    -Tube/diode rectifier selection per channel
    -50/100 watt switch per channel
    -Tube driven series effects loop
    -External switching jacks for channels and loop
    -Bold/Spongy power variac

    It is also important to note that the Stage II was released as a revision soon after the Stiletto’s original release. Simply put, the chain channel was tightened and restructured, as the original model suffered from a flubby response.


    The Stiletto offers a very simple 2 channel layout, with the usual features that a Mesa amp owner is used to. It is easier to dial in than other Mesa models, such as the Rectifier or Mark IV. The few voicing switches per channel offer many tonal options, but different voicings on the same channel can not be used on the fly. This would be a nice feature since this amp offers MANY great tones amongst the different modes.


    Being an EL-34 amplifier, and Mesa’s stab at the british tone, the amplifier produces more mids and less lows than your typical Mesa Boogie. The clean channel produces a great clean, especially for what is consider the ‘norm’ for EL-34 based amps. Fat clean allows a slightly rounder response, and crunch makes for an AMAZING blues sound. This mode is actually repeated on both channels, so players can run it at different gain levels since it responds so well. Channel 2 goes from a nice crunch all the way to a tight and saturated gain, perfect for quick rhythms or leads. Watch out for the treble though…especially when running vintage 30 speakers, the high end response can get very sharp and unpleasant. Simply, this amplifier plays much like a ‘marshall with a Mesa twist.’


    The Stiletto Deuce II was built as a tonal compliment to the rectifier series, producing more high mids, a higher bass response, and overall tighter tracking. In a mix, these two amplifiers perfectly compliment each other, and I HIGHLY recommended it for two guitarists playing together in a band, or a stereo rig. For those suffering from the sluggish response of the Rectifier series, but wanting to stay with a similar gain structure, the Stiletto Deuce II is your amplifier.
  • iamqmaniamqman

    Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II HeadPublié le 03/06/11 à 00:47
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    One of my best friends owns this amp and has served him quite well. Fortunately for me I have been able to spend some time with it as well. This is a Mesa Boogie that is voiced in the British realm. What that means is that it has a familiar characteristic to a Marshall or maybe an Orange amp or even a Hiwatt. There is something about those amps that carries a similar tune to one another.

    What I like about this about also is that it takes pedals very well. Throwing a tube screamer of some like a clean boost and you will have this amp sizzling. This amps has many features that are prominent to Mesa such as the Recto or tube switching and the sponge/tight setting which changes the variac and loosens the amps or tightens the power section of the amp.


    Mesa/Boogie Stiletto Deuce-Stage II 100-watt, 2-channel Tube Amplifier Head Features:

    Handbuilt in Petaluma, California
    Multi-Watt, Channel-assignable power amp allows you to assign either two or all four EL-34 power tubes to each channel for power ratings of 50 or 100 watts of Class A/B power via independent 50/100-watt power switches
    Tube complement: 4xEL-34, 5x12AX7, 2x5U4
    Fixed Bias for consistent, maintenance free performance
    Two fully independent channels with six modes: Channel 1 = Fat Clean, Tite Clean or Crunch (Cloning Channel 2); Channel 2 = Crunch, Tite Gain or Fluid Drive
    Channel-assignable dual rectification with Recto Tracking (Diode or Tube Tracking)
    Independent gain, treble, mid, bass, presence, and master controls per channel
    Bold/spongy "Variac" switch
    Output Level Control (over all channels when activated)
    Footswitchable Solo Level Control (over all channels when activated)
    All-tube effects loop with Send Level Control (over all channels when activated)
    "Hard" bypass switch that removes effects loop, Output Level and Solo Level Controls from signal path
    Slave out with level control
    External switching jacks for channels 1, 2, and Solo
    Chrome chassis
    2-button footswitch (Channel 1/2 and Solo)
    Slip cover included


    This is a rockers amp. You will blown the hinges off the doors when you crank this thing up. I have been on the wrong side of this amp a few times where it just lit me up and thump my chest. The best feeling I got with this amp is a Les Paul and clean boost like pedal in front of it. This amp gets that pounding feeling but a full bodied warm tone. I find this amp not to be much of a lead amp per se but rather a solid rhythm guitar player amp. It doesn't cut through as much as I would like if I was the only player in the band, but it does thicken the walls of the sound for the band quite well.


    If I were a rhythm guitar player in a band I would look to this amp. It is rather inexpensive to be hand built. At new they come in at around $1900, but you can find them fairly inexpensive on the used market right now. I would recommend some to try this amp out against other Mesa's if that is the tone you are going for. This amp may not be for you if you are used to the Rectos or the Mark series. It has the similar characteristics to Mesa but it is its own beats.
  • King LoudnessKing Loudness

    Mesa, rencontrer Marshall

    Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II HeadPublié le 11/08/11 à 03:51
    contenu en anglais (contenu en anglais)
    The Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II is the 100w version of Mesa Boogie's Stiletto series of amps. The Stiletto was basically designed to have more of a Marshall-y character with an EL34 based power section. It is still laid out similarly to a Rectifier head, but the core tones are more akin to a Marshall overall. It is a two channel head. Each channel is set up with identical controls (gain, bass, middle, treble and master volume). Each channel is equipped with two mini switches, one to toggle between 100w and 50w and one to switch between three different modes that each channel has. The clean channel contains Fat Clean, Tite Clean and Crunch modes, and the distortion channel has modes called Crunch, Tite Gain and Fluid Drive. There is also a switch to toggle between bold and spongy power modes. Here's the full list of specs:

    Multi-Watt™, Channel Assignable Power Amp (Patent 7,602,927) allows you to assign either 2 or all 4 EL-34 Power Tubes to each Channel for Power Ratings of 50 or 100 Watts of Class A/B Power via independent 50/100 Watt Power Switches / 4xEL-34, 5x12AX7, 2x5U4
    Fixed Bias for Consistent, Maintenance Free Performance
    2 Fully Independent Channels with 6 Modes (Channel 1 = Fat Clean, Tite Clean or Crunch (Cloning Channel 2), Channel 2 = Crunch, Tite Gain or Fluid Drive)
    Channel Assignable Dual Rectification with Recto Tracking™ (Diode or Tube Tracking – Patents 5,168,438 & 7,193,458)
    Independent Gain, Treble, Mid, Bass, Presence & Master Controls per Channel
    Bold/Spongy “Variac” Switch (Patent 5,091,700)
    Output Level Control (over all channels when activated)
    Footswitchable Solo Level Control – Patent 6,724,897 (over all channels when activated)
    Fully Buffered FX Loop with Send Level Control (over all channels when activated)
    True “Hard” Bypass Switch that removes FX Loop, Output Level & Solo Level Controls from signal path
    Slave Out with Level Control
    External Switching Jacks for Channels 1, 2 & Solo
    Chrome Chassis
    2 Button Footswitch (Channel 1/2 & Solo)
    Slip Cover


    Setting up this amp is fairly simple. Each channel is laid out with just core controls and there's not too many different settings to deal with as per certain other Mesa amps. You basically pick your mode, set the EQ to taste and you're off to the races. Dialing in a sound that's pleasing will vary in difficulty depending on what sort of tone you are after. This amp was meant to sound very Marshall-y, but I find that it still has that certain Boogie characteristic that keeps it sounding like what it is - a Rectifier. However, the EL34 tubes and using spongy power can help to "brown" the amp out significantly.


    I've tried this amp with various guitars and amps. In my experience it's a very picky amp in terms of what it sounds really good with. The absolute best rig I had set up using this amp was a PRS Mira Korina guitar (with PRS humbuckers) and a Mesa Boogie 4x12 cabinet with Celestion Vintage 30 speakers. This combination (and a whole lot of treble/presence roll-off on the amp's EQ) created a killer 90s rock tone that reminded me a lot of a slightly more vintage voiced Soldano SLO100 or perhaps a juiced up Marshall JCM800. I found that the clean channel sounded somewhat bland and weak for my tastes. I'm used to more of a Lone Star type clean sound... the cleans on this amp were more of a skinny, weaker British type clean sound, which isn't my thing. The drive tones were pretty cool, but it really depends on the guitar and cabinet that's going with it I found. I tried it with Les Pauls, Strats, Flying Vs, etc, and I just couldn't dig the amp. However the tone with the Mira was obscene.


    All in all I think the Mesa Stiletto Deuce is a decent amp for someone looking for a somewhat British voiced rock head that still has a lot of the Mesa flavour attached. For my tastes I prefer the Electradyne or the new Royal Atlantic but this amp certainly holds its own when dialed in to perfection. The $1800 price new has me scratching my head, but you can pick them up much cheaper if you look around...

    It's worth a shot, though probably not Mesa's best attempt at a British voiced amp by any means.
  • Anonyme

    Quel crunch!

    Mesa Boogie Stiletto Deuce Stage II HeadPublié le 15/03/09 à 01:07
    C'est du tout lampe qui laisse le choix entre 50 ou 100 watts pour chaque canal.C'est monté en EL34.
    Une boucle d'effet à lampe avec son bypass et son volume,une sortie slave pour un ampli externe ou autre, 4 sortie HP, footswitch, etc...

    Lampes redresseuses avec modes rectifier pour un son plus vintage et compréssé, ou le mode silicon diodes pour un son plus droit et tranchant avec plus d'attaque idéal en rythmique.
    Deux autres modes de puissance à savoir Bold pour une pleine puissance des lampes(voltage interne maximum )... ça rentre dedans.
    Le mode Spongy(éponge)qui atténue le voltage interne, offrant des sensations plus vintage ,Marshallesques et Hendrixiennes!

    Les 5 différents…
    Lire la suite
    C'est du tout lampe qui laisse le choix entre 50 ou 100 watts pour chaque canal.C'est monté en EL34.
    Une boucle d'effet à lampe avec son bypass et son volume,une sortie slave pour un ampli externe ou autre, 4 sortie HP, footswitch, etc...

    Lampes redresseuses avec modes rectifier pour un son plus vintage et compréssé, ou le mode silicon diodes pour un son plus droit et tranchant avec plus d'attaque idéal en rythmique.
    Deux autres modes de puissance à savoir Bold pour une pleine puissance des lampes(voltage interne maximum )... ça rentre dedans.
    Le mode Spongy(éponge)qui atténue le voltage interne, offrant des sensations plus vintage ,Marshallesques et Hendrixiennes!

    Les 5 différents modes couvrent tous les besoins. Du clean au High gain en passant par un crunch d'enfer, son point fort d'ailleur.

    C'est du lourd. Les matériaux sont de haute qualité,la finition irréprochable,le design avec, tout y est.


    Utilisé en groupe et en recording.

    L'ampli exige un niveau certain pour travailler correctement et offrir son plus beau rendu.
    Branché sur un baffle 4*12 Rectifier, on a un pied à Londres et l'autre aux States, c'est d'enfer.

    Manuel en anglais complet.


    Et bien ça sonne grave. Plantez y une bonne Gibson, une bonne télécaster ou tout autres bonnes guitares qui se respecte et en avant...
    Un crunch grande classe, son point fort. Une dynamique à pleurer.
    La distorsion des modes High Gain est remarquable. Le sustain d'enfer quand on y met une bonne gratte.
    Sons clairs veloutés!

    On a pas le gras d'un rectifier, les basses sont plus haute, et les médiums plus bas. Un son plus tranchant, plus clair.

    En 50 watts, "spongy" et "rectifier", on revient quelques decennies en arrière. Du bonheur.
    En 100 watts, le mode "bold" et "silicon diode" qui poussent les lampes dans le rouge, quel patate!

    Il m'a fallu un certain temps pour apprivoisé l'animal. Aprés c'est du bonheur. J'adore le mariage avec Gibson, j'adorerai y collé une bonne PRS et pleurer un coup.
    L'ampli respecte parfaitement le caractère de la guitare.

    Le seul bémol vient pour moi des lampes d'origine. C'est un peu comme si on avait une Ferrari F40 avec des pneus de Twingo. C'est comme bridé! Aprés remplacement par de vrais lampes NOS,................. it boogies!!!!

    C'est trés typé Rock! J'adore!


    C'est mon compagnon depuis 1 an et demi,et c'est tous les jours du bonheur.
    C'est cher mais c'est du haut de gamme.
    Niveau expression, je ne trouve pas d'autre équivalent que les amplis Mesa.
    Il y a plein d'autres marques d'ampli vraiment super, mais niveau expression de jeu et "jouabilité", c'est le gratin. Et quel crunch!
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