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Sujet House/Techno vos classiques oldschool!

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Sujet de la discussion House/Techno vos classiques oldschool!
Ouaip, je sais pas très original, mais bon il y a matière à papoter!
Pour ma part, voici une petite selection des mes classiques chicago early days:

-Shalor-Im In Love
-Armando-Land Of Confusion
-Jerry Mc Alister-What I Do
-Jungle Wonz-The Jungle
-Joe Smooth-Promised Land
-Franckie Knuckles & Jamie Principle-On & On

:aime: :aime: :aime:

on a bien ri...

Afficher le sujet de la discussion
Et sinon, est ce que vous avez acheté des disques récemment ?

Bah nan y-a emule!

Hors sujet : ok spank, merci! marrant le nom de ton label ;)

Oui.. c'est le slang de "new tune".
Non mais vous avez pas acheté des disques ?

Je demande parce que je crois que Dragon à pas assez demandé ...
Nan, je préfère acheter des sonneries pour mon portable monophonique.
Je comprends ... je plussoie, je ferai pareil si mon portable le faisait ... malheureusement j'en suis encore a l'analogique :|
Mon ptit panier du jour :

Miskate - Lil' Tugtug

Someone Else - Ploosh

Oliver Hacke - Subject Carrier (Alex Under Remix)

Electric Rescue - EL.UE


Et Jamie Lidell - Multiply, chez Warp, est en cours de téléchargement sur Bleep :aime2:

Citation : Wild orgies leave the Great Wall in mess, and tears
By Echo Shan (
Updated: 2005-08-09 15:11

The "Wild Dancing Party" recently landed on China's flag construction -- the Great Wall. However, while party animals from both home and abroad celebrated with glee, the senior wall was wailing.

Partygoers crowd the Jinlingshan section of the Great Wall for night through dancing party on July, 30. The orgy has stirred strong criticism among the public. [sina]

Following an overnight spree gala at the Beijing-Hebei border section of the Jinlingshan Great Wall on July 30, the oriental epitome of ancient Chinese civilization was left in a chaotic mess.

Empty alcohol bottles and various rubbishes were scattered about, silently protesting against the past hilarity. Permeating in the air, the strong smell of excreta left by partygoers would likely make one feel sick.

Visitors enjoy open-air barbeque on the Jinlingshan section of the Wall. [Jingbao Daily]

One witness of the Great Wall orgy later said the July 30 party was the 8th of the annually held party, which soon caught on among domestic and overseas party animals.

The party, which usually leads a whole night through on the Great Wall, has welcomed thousands of people every year in Beijing's cool summer night.

A westerner urinates at a corner of the Wall. []

Regarded as China's great national symbol, the Great Wall, under careful protection by the government, is cherished in the hearts of Chinese people. The improper carnival that seriously harmed the Wall has stirred strong critics among the general public.

"How dare they tramp brazenly on the national pride and spirit by injuring our Great Wall?" asked an angry netizen in a note left after the news.

Young party girls dance against the music at the Great Wall party. []

On the other hand, those party lovers, as well, have their say, "We just want a happy hour and never intend to harm the Wall." said a young girl who took part in the party.

A heated community response has caught the attention of the Chinese Great Wall Association (CGWA), in charge of the Wall protection. The CGWA general Secretary Dong Yaohui showed deep concern over the matter, saying, "It is really provoking. The visits of the Wall out of respect and appreciation are welcomed, but this kind of damaging carnival, never."

A couple of lovers smooch under a silk scarf at the party. []

"The Jinlingshan section of the Wall bordering Hebei Province has long been the heart of trouble. We are urging a relative law on the Wall protection to be issued to tackle this kind of problem under a legal frame." added Dong.

Echoed by Dong's remark, a recent report similarly made people again frown upon the news that open-air barbeque business is prosperous on the Great Wall, to be specific, the Jinlingshan section of the Wall.

The crowded dancing ball in staged. []

When asked about the matter, Dong said, "All 'evil' arises from money grabbing."

The management right of Jinling section of Great Wall has been leased to a Hebei commercial corporation since 1997 by the local government at a sum of six million Yuan (US$740,000) on a 50 year term. Since then various activities have been planned on the Wall, including even the orgy and barbeque.

According to Dong, the Jinling Wall located in Hebei Province, is managed by the Hebei Government. So far only the Beijing municipal authority has barred any profit-oriented commercial use of the Wall in the form of a law. The Jinling Wall is not protected within the cover of the law released in 2003.

Counting 50 years from 1997 the lease contract will expire in the distant year of 2047. Can the Wall stand up to "naughty deeds" by people that long?

Article de merde, écrit par un journaliste qui n'a jamais dû faire la fête et qui en plus est incapable de voir plus loin que le bout de son nez. En plus de ça il est raciste.

Vive le journalisme chinois. Quelle bande de cons !!!


Lux, arrête de pisser sur cette putain d'muraille...ça donne une chiée image de la teuf...nan mais tu t'es cru en tekos :mrg:
Les intermittents du spectacle ? On a déja ceux d'AF payés à rien foutre: CA SUFFIT!! Sarkozy - Villepin 2007
Certes, mais bon perso ça m'horripile les mecs qui organisent des teufs et qui laissent le bordel derrière...
Sur le Larzac par exemple, j'y suis passé guère après fallait voir le carnage, alors je comprend le mec ça doit le faire chier de voir des types pisser sur la grande muraille...
apres le racisme anti occidental piloté par l'état clair que c'est gerbant