Kurzweil PC3 OS V2.0 !
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Tout juste disponible pour Noël. C'est assez énorme. Les plus marquantes nouveautés :
-200 nouveaux presets, avec beaucoup de KIT de batteries, vraiment sympas et actuels, des nouveaux pianos, de la FM, pas mal de registres d'orgues d'église, le mode KB3 et la Leslie améliorés
-Affichage en temps réel des contrôleurs (Curseur, Modulation Wheel...) et des paramètres qui leurs sont affectés (Cutoff, Effets...)
-De nouveaux blocs DSP pour l'édition
-L'édition des Keymap et des échantillons en ROM
-Plein de petites améliorations un peu partout, comme le retour du mode UNLOOP dans le séquenceur, des pages INFO partout, le mode QA amélioré, des nouveautés dans le mode SETUP, des bugs corrigés
-Et surtout, la possibilité d'importer 15 ans de sons KURZWEIL K2XXX dans le PC3 !!!!! Tous les sons en KRZ, K25, K26, directement dans le PC3. Et pour le PC3K, l'import avec les samples. Ca fait une bibliothèque de preset gigantesque.
Plus de deux ans après la sortie, voir le PC3 évoluer, s'améliorer, et voir une équipe de R&D si attentive au demande des utilisateurs en organisant une Beta de grande envergure, ça fait vraiment plaisir.
[ Dernière édition du message le 26/12/2010 à 11:54:04 ]
OS Version 2.00 Release Notes
(1) The current version of the SoundTower Desktop Editor software (v1.3.0) does not yet work with PC3 O/S v2.00. If you are a heavy SoundTower Editor user, do not update until SoundTower releases a version that is compatible with 2.00 (currently in the works). http://soundtower.com/pc3/
(2) Content created with v2.00 is not backwards compatible to older software versions (exception = .MID files). Content created with a PC3 older than v2.00 is of course forward compatible with 2.00.
- Setups created with PC3 2.00 will not be read by PC3LE 1.10 (or earlier).
- Adding new Setups (ids 130-150), ported from the LE (see Object Lists for details).
- GM Programs now displayed in Program list by default.
- Arp and riff pages reorganized.
- Arp synchronization to other arps and riffs added.
- Arp Beats like the K series now with more values.
- Riff Release Sync: it syncs the release of the riffs . Very similar options to the sync for trigger.
- Riff Enhanced synchronization modes: Start, Loop, Stop: It triggers/releases when the master either starts, loops or stops.
- Arp Sync Mode on the COMMON page has been eliminated. With the new sync modes for arps and riffs the parameter is now unnecessary.
- Setup switching greatly improved for smoother transitions; sustain pedal too can now hold through setup changes.
- New Trigger Keys functionality. Keys can now trigger a controller.
- New Setup INFO display.
- Output pair (primary/secondary) can be selected per channel in Setup mode from the PRG/CH page.
- New Parameter: Setup Mode Input Channel. You can choose if MIDI coming from the local keyboard will sound or not. Set it to 1-16 L+M if you want to play that zone both from your external keyboard and the PC3, or set it to 1-16 M if you want to play that zone only from the external keyboard. Any L+M and Any M are also choices.
Example L+M:
Zone1: Piano, channel 1, inputChannel 1 L+M, Xpose +12.
Zone2: Strings, channel 2, inputChannel 2 L+M, Xpose +24.-If you play from your external controller in ch1... you will be playing the Piano xposed +12.
-If you play from your external controller in ch2... you will be playing the Strings xposed +24.
-If you play the keys on the PC3 you will be playing Piano (xposed+12)+Strings(xposed +24)Example M:
Like before, but let's add a third zone:
Zone3: LoudSolo, channel 3, inputChannel 3 M, Xpose +12.-If you play from your external controller in ch3... you will be playing the LoudSolo xposed +12.
-If you play the keys on the PC3 you will still be playing only Piano (xposed+12)+Strings(xposed +24)Note the big advantage of this feature... that external MIDI passes THRU the zone and its parameter settings.
- The Ribbon now offers up to 6x its previous resolution.
When used as 1 section: for MIDI CC Destinations between 0 and 31, the ribbon now sends both MSB and LSB values, offering a resolution of 768 points. Previous OS versions only sent the MSB portion (a resolution of only 128 points).
When used as 3 sections: the ribbon sends only the MSB, maintaining the original resolution of 128 points per section; ie no change from previous versions.
- The order of evaluation of Entry Values has been optimized: Setup values will always be applied after any Program Entry Values. In this manner, the setup rules.
- Riffs and Arps now respond to MuteZone in a fashion similar to that of a traditional mixer mute. When muted they keep running (in the background) but do not produce any output.
- All Arp Shift and Velocity Pattern IDs are now accessible as MIDI destinations.
- Common page reorganized.
- Common page Tempo field is now easier to edit. Example: Typing 60 +Enter will automatically set it to 60.00, before you had to type 6000.
- Numeric entry in Setup Ribbon CFG page now working properly
- PitchUp and PitchDown setup controllers now working properly with non 100% scaling.
- Cursor navigation in the Pattern editors improved.
- When exiting the pattern editors, the proper soft buttons are maintained.
- MIDI data received on the LocalKbdCh (LKC) is now being sent out via MIDI/USB for data on that same channel. Previously it was not.
- MIDI controller messages are no longer transmitted from muted zones (entry/exit values continue to be sent regardless) and some non-MIDI destinations (>127) can still be triggered, like Mute Zone, Solo Zone or Arpeggiator settings. For Momentary switches special treatment is given whereby off messages are still sent even if the zone gets muted mid-stream. This way hung notes are avoided with common applications like Sustain where muting a zone before the sustain pedal is released could cause issues.
- Goto Setup destination (SetpGoto) now properly refreshes setup list when in Setup Main page.
- New Programs (see Object Lists for details).
- Keymap Editor: NEW MODE
- Sample Editor: NEW MODE
- KB3 improvements:
New Type R leakage model, improved bass response, overall tone and gain structure based on analysis of vintage Hammond® A-100 and B3.
Improved high/low rotor ramp-up/down times and acceleration/deceleration curves, high/low rotor resonance and sizes, distortion characteristics and hi/low mic balances and panning. Matches characteristics of vintage Leslie® model 122.
KB3 Editor: new Demo Song field (and preview demos) in the OUTPUT page.
® Hammond™ and Leslie™ are registered trademarks of Hammond Suzuki USA, Inc.
- New DSP: SAW+, SINE+ and NOISE+
- DSP oscillators can now transpose down to sub 1 Hz frequencies.
- SHAPED SAW DSP now has veltrk/keytrk params (with a mod range of -127 to 127).
- New Fun: a∗(1-b)
- New INFO Editor for creating custom info entries. This also includes "Auto" Info creation when adding/changing a mod source; "i" icon in page header acts as indicator; pressing EDIT in mod source field will take you to the info editor when possible. Chain Info does not have this feature.
- Better navigation in Program Mode DSPMOD/DSPCTL pages.
- Improved Mono Sample XFade: transitions are smoother, and some bugs involving note stealing were fixed.
- Fix for mono notes sometimes stopping at the wrong pitch.
- A few bug fixes for problems with cascade mode instability.
- KB3 Editor: various graphic's & soft buttons cleaned up.
- Bug fixes for a few problems with KB3 mode: stuck notes, missing tonewheels, effects not loading.
- Clicks on certain Programs, like 213, fixed.
- Fix for 'portamento/legato OFF' issue: In mono mode, with Portamento and Legato both set to OFF, keyup will retrigger (sample/envelope restart) the held note instead of re-pitching the current note.
- Proper out pan for new layer with LyrFX.
- Portamento Source working now as expected when the Arp is enabled.
- Improved transition from Setup to Program mode if Arps are playing.
- Improved handling of ASR states.
- Fix for ENV2/3 not returning completely to zero.
- ENV2/3 now continue past the end of the amp envelope (if the layer's outputs are connected to another layer.)
- Fix for DSPMOD page filter resonance control mods. Controllers connected to this parameter were only having half the effect of the displayed value. Affected algs are 4 POLE LOWPASS W/SEP, 4 POLE HIPASS W/SEP, 2 POLE LOWPASS, 2 POLE HIPASS, 4POLE MOGUE LP, and STEEP RESONANT BASS.
Known Issues:
- In the case where there are two consecutive DSP blocks with double inputs, and the first of the two is a 'single' block, the second block's bottom input will not work in some cases. This is a hardware limitation and can not be fixed at this time.
- "UnLoop" record function added to the sequencer (BIG page, RecMode field). Similar K2XXX feature of the same name, unloop is a handy track copy function that automatically extends existing shorter-length tracks for you as you record new material.
When recording in UnLoop RecMode, any existing tracks will be played back as if they were looping from Bar 1 : Beat 1 to the End point, but they are actually being re-recorded linearly over absolute Bars and Beats until you press Stop. In other words, UnLoop allows you to record a linear track over a short looping section without first having to copy the section over and over again to achieve a new desired Song length. The End point of the Song is extended to the downbeat of the (empty) Bar immediately following the last Bar you were recording when Stop was pressed.
For example, let's say you've a recorded a four-bar drum loop and now want to record an eight-bar bass line. This would be a situation where UnLoop would come in handy. While the drum track keeps looping, the bass track will record in linear fashion, and the end point will be moved to the point at which you press Stop. Actually, the drum track will also change. It will play through its loop twice, but while the information is repeating in the loop, it will be recorded to the track. So now if you look at the drum track, you will see information in bars 5-8 (a duplicate of the information in bars 1-4).
- The Export MIDI File function has moved and is now a part of Storage Mode and sports enhanced selection options.
- Output pair (primary/secondary) can be selected per channel in Song mode from the MIXER page.
- The option to have the metronome sound only on "CountOff" was added.
- Delete song button added to Song Mode.
- Edit/Track/Delete function now correctly adjusts song end time.
- Numeric entry in Song Mixer page when playing the song now correct.
- Improved song 'stops', making sure the transport stops if "save" is pressed during playback.
- Clipping name of Song Name properly if it is too long
- Song Event Editor no longer attempts to execute DataInc and DataDec (cc96, cc97) upon entry.
- Note off events represented as Note On = 0 velocity were not handled properly.
- Stability of real-time track operations improved.
- Exiting the MISC page has been improved.
- QA mode can now be used as program mode in multi-timbral MIDI applications.
- Lock button removed (now unnecessary).
- An Info button has been added to reflect the currently selected Program or Setup controller assignments.
- Completely reworked and optimized for better performance. No auto-expansion of setups or programs at any circumstance. Much more stable than previous versions.
- Fixed bug when going from a Setup to a Program. Showing the current program in the channel if nothing is selected.
- Proper display of LEDs in buttons.
- Bank LEDs in setups now displaying the proper state of the zones when set to Mutes.
- Panic now working properly.
- Last QA bank used is now stored in the master table.
- Better handling of selections made by program change including re-selection of the already current entry.
- Transport buttons working better now.
- Support for loading∗ K2 Series Programs & Setups.
∗The PC3 will try to convert programs, setups and keymaps from the K2 series into the PC3. Files with extensions K25, K26 and KRZ can be loaded. The PC3 does NOT load K-samples therefore in the keymap conversion the PC3 will try to find similar samples to the ones used by the keymap in the PC3 ROM. Sometimes successfully, sometimes not. The PC3 does not have sample skipping so some samples will not extend more than 1 octave upwards as they did in the K2 series. Some of the DSP algs used in the programs cannot be converted or are partially converted. The FX are not converted in Programs nor Setups.
- Support for multiple file selection within a directory on load now supported.
- Load/Open: The list of displayed objects now wraps.
- Cancel button on Load added.
- Enhanced information on the screen while loading and saving.
- EXPORT/Song: export a song in SMF format (.MID) is now part of Storage Mode and sports enhanced selection options.
- EXPORT/Info: export Program Info.
- EXPORT/ObjLst: export object lists (generates a coma-separate text file with the list of the current programs, setups and songs).
- Hourglass icon now displayed in Storage Store Advance page when Type scrolling takes too long.
- For developers: Export object in XML in Storage mode. Few objects type for now but we will be adding more.
- For developers: Export KPN in Storage Export.
- Overwrite- again works as Delete + Merge (previously was performing Delete + Append.)
- File time stamp working again.
- Increased stability of file system.
- Keyboard Naming in Storage mode is now filtering invalid characters.
- Better error display in Load page if no files are present and pressing Select or SelectAll.
- Master Mode has been reorganized for easier use and expandability.
- GM on/off now in a button.
- New parameter: Display (Main page); toggles the left info window in Program and Setup Modes between showing Keymaps/Zone info and showing Real Time controllers (like in the PC3LE.)
- New parameter: SetupCtls; allows the users to decide whether they want the controllers in setup mode to send data instantly upon selection or only after passing through the entry value.
- New display of user objects/memory stats (OBJECTS page).
- VOICES utility now features a CPU Load usage meter.
- OBJECT page now shows OS and Objects versions
- Improved MIDIScope performance & stability.
- Better and safer exit from Master Utils page.
- More FX information
- New Info Editor. To edit your info entries.
- Fixed bug where chain editor could display random presets in all of the boxes.
- Proper behavior of Chain Save button when editing a KB3 chain.
- Param selection on MOD pages in the chain editor no longer wraps around to the beginning of the list.
- It is no longer possible to assign an FX Mod to the wet/dry parameter of the first box of an Aux chain. Aux wet/dry should be controlled by the send level.
- Aux override chains are now consistently applied; there were some cases where a program would not send to the override chain.
- Proper soft buttons now displayed following Prog Edit "cannot alloc FX" message.
- File system and database improvements increasing speed of load/save and managing objects.
- More id space. Up to 2560 ids per object type.
- Improved Intuitive Entry (ENTER + control) in all editors and now it respects the current control setup in program mode.
- Note stealing algorithm improved.
- Sample header 437 edited to have a non-zero decay rate (was adversely affecting polyphony).
- MIDI XMIT page, when ProgChang:OFF Bank Msgs no longer get sent.
- Entering crazy numbers in a field will not turn into a negative number.
- GM Mode FX better handled.
- Increased stability when entering and exiting GM mode.
- Editors: User button goes to ID#1025 in all cases now.
- Editors: asterisk (∗) properly marking user objects in all lists now.
- Proper display when trying to type negative numbers in Program and Setup lists.
- Improved exiting of Tap Tempo page... now it puts the soft buttons in the proper place.
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