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Bowie lance un concours de Remix

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Sujet de la discussion Bowie lance un concours de Remix
Info trouvé sur BBC News et paru dans l'exxxxcellllent "The Times" :

Citation : David Bowie has asked bedroom DJs to create a new track for an internet competition by bootlegging his songs.
The British music star has given fans the right to create a new song by using computer music software to blend or "mash up" two existing tracks.

The winning song will be released as an MP3 and its creator will win a car.

"I'm very comfortable with the idea and have been the subject of quite a few pretty good mash-ups myself," Bowie told The Times newspaper.


The contest requires entrants to blend any song from the singer's latest album Reality with any other Bowie song.

A number of entries will be broadcast via the Bowienet website, with listeners selecting finalists before Bowie chooses the winner.

Mash-ups are the latest trend to be embraced by the 57-year-old star, who described himself as "a hybrid maker off and on".

EMI blocked DJ Danger Mouse's "mash-up" album, The Grey Album
He said: "Mash-ups were a great appropriation idea just waiting to happen."

As computer music software and digital sound files, such as MP3s, have become more accessible, numerous "mash-ups" have been released via online song-swapping services.

Some are approved by the original artists and subsequently released, such as the Sugababes' 2002 number one hit Freak Like. Created by producer Richard X, it blended Gary Numan's Are Friends Electric? with Adina Howard's Freak Like Me.

Many "mash-ups" are illegal, however, and have resulted in record companies threatening bedroom DJs with legal action.

In February, record label EMI blocked distribution of The Grey Album by DJ Danger Mouse, on which he blended songs from The Beatles' White Album with tracks from rapper Jay-Z's Black Album.

Jay-Z's label Roc-a-fella Records did not take any action against Danger Mouse, however, describing the album as "hot".

Au boulot les audiofanziens !!!!!!!! :?!: :idee2:

Donc ca consiste à mélanger une chanson de "Reality" le dernier album avec une autre chanson de bowie, les meilleures seront diffusés sur Bowie Net et celui qui sera choisi par Bowie gagne une bagnole (modèle non précisé) ainsi qu'un diffusion MP3.

Date limite 17 May...magnez vous

Watch out Strange cat people...Mistouf's on the prowl
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl
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Vous avez avancé ? Moi j'ai presque fini....
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl
Moi aussi, fait 3 minutes...j'ai peur que cela fasse un peu court, je me tate pour rallonger

Citation : je me tate pour rallonger


** :!: ALERTE HORMONES :!: **


Bien les gars, allez-y envoyez les liens sur vos mix !

Ce qu'il y a de bien dans le Jazz, c'est qu'il n'y pas de fausse note : pourvu qu'elle soit jouée avec suffisamment de conviction.

Attends un peu.....
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl
Je vous envoie ça dans le week-end surement, j'ai encore quelques retouches à faire par ci par là

.....ouais, si je rallonge ça risque d'être trop pimpressionnant :clin:
Sur le site y a marqué qu'il faut faire une description détaillée des track utilisés, vous avez compris sous quelle forme.
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl
Je pense qu'il faut donner album et titre des morceaux utilisés, non?
Le texte c'est ça

Citation : You must include a complete listing of the tracks used in the mash-up in the Song Description text field provided. Do not include comments, contact information, etc in this field. Entries posted without a full listing of tracks used will be disqualified.

J'imagine que c'est fait pour que le mec qui post le morceaux soit bien celui qui l'a fait et pas un petit malin cleptomane
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl
J'ai un doute tout d'un coup, est-ce qu'on à le droit de rajouter des instruments...????
Watch out Strange cat people...stouf's on the prowl